Example sentences of "for [art] short period " in BNC.

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1 At least for the short period of time he expected the combat to last .
2 And thirdly we have to satisfy you that in the circumstances of the operation the police were justified in restraining Mr with handcuffs for the short period of time that he was restrained and in addition Mrs who you will remember was restrained in her lounge , she was told she could n't leave the lounge , again for a few minutes .
3 Where keg milds and bitters are concerned , when fermentation is complete they are conditioned for a short period in tanks under a heavy blanket of carbon dioxide .
4 In the case of keg milds and bitters when fermentation is complete they are conditioned for a short period under gas pressure and are then filtered to remove yeast solids and pasteurised .
5 For a short period from 1952 to 1954 he was Professor of Conducting at the Warsaw Conservatoire .
6 It says that about 98,000 young people go missing annually , sometimes only for a short period .
7 Following the pattern of community constables in England , where the overwhelming majority are male ( Brown and Iles 1985 : 9 ) , there are no females among Easton 's neighbourhood constables , although for a short period the sergeant was female .
8 Cheddars may be hard or semi-hard ; they are pressed lightly for a matter of hours and then more firmly for a short period of days .
9 It causes them to suffer temporary lapses of memory and to have difficulty in concentrating for a short period of two to three hours .
10 Viscount Melbourne became Prime Minister in July 1835 , but by the end of that year , it was necessary for the Duke of Wellington to become Prime Minister for a short period , followed for about one year by Sir Robert Peel , who had been Home Secretary and had introduced the first Police Force , enrolling men who soon became known as ‘ Peelers ’ or ‘ Bobbies ’ , after the founder .
11 Lord Derby had again become Prime Minister in 1866 to be replaced for a short period by Benjamin Disraeli , but by the end of 1868 Mr. W. E. Gladstone took control of Parliament , and was to remain in control for over five years .
12 The UK 's objection to the proposed Directive was that it was ‘ unreasonably restrictive ’ to designate large river catchments ‘ simply because , for a short period of time in the autumn , the water may temporarily exceed 50 mg/litre although throughout the rest of the year it will be well below that figure . ’
13 For a short period it was used for the manufacture of bedding materials and mattresses .
14 Cleaned fittings , after disinfection , are re-assembled and the whole is left to air dry for a short period before the empty cabinet is brought down to working temperature and re-filled .
15 The men were taken into a tent and allowed to look at a group of objects for a short period after which they had to recall every detail they had observed .
16 Both grass and clovers recover and grow more quickly when grazed hard for a short period and then rested for two to three weeks than they do under continuous nibbling .
17 ‘ Paddock grazing ’ , in which the grassland is divided into small paddocks , grazed hard for a short period and then rested for up to three weeks , is a very good system for the control of parasite worms , the life cycle of which is broken during the rest periods .
18 He was soon posted to England and then for a short period to Brussels before leaving the Bank in 1975 .
19 For a short period previously produced , but non-expelled , hydrocarbons would continue to migrate from the sediments .
20 You will therefore be put in the position of paying two mortgages at the same time for a short period .
21 Let's look at each in turn , and see how easy it is to live without them for a short period .
22 After fertilization the eggs form larvae that are pelagic and become a part of the plankton for a short period of time before settling on a hard surface to grow into new colonies .
23 Larvae may immediately become bottom dwellers or pelagic for a short period to be broadcast over vast distances by ocean currents .
24 We then test them thoroughly — but often only for a short period as we wish to get the latest fishkeeping news — including the latest products — straight to our readers .
25 For a short period after Peach 's retirement the duties were shared by Crampton and Carruthers , the latter conducting his research on zaphrentid corals at this time .
26 Only in 1774 was this pattern questioned with the brief success of Sir Thomas Spencer Wilson ; for a short period the independent part of the county exerted themselves .
27 Like the other Alternanthera species , this only survives for a short period under water .
28 Equally there seem to be many people who stay for a short period , and then just move on .
29 It was agreed that as the European War was over I should take my family back to England for a short period of leave .
30 Often the counsellor of ageing people will experience this when , after talking with them for a short period , many of the pressures and worries appear to be visibly lifted from their shoulders .
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