Example sentences of "to [art] considerable extent " in BNC.

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1 The Politburo has bowed to a considerable extent to the parliament 's wishes .
2 The poet who against Romantic diction forged a new contemporary language for a poetry which had been able to deal with the modern city face to face , had , to a considerable extent , reinstated Romanticism through anthropology .
3 In Western society we have marginalized elderly people to a considerable extent , maybe because we place more emphasis on economic than on personal worth .
4 Late Victorian Nonconformity was to a considerable extent a man 's religion .
5 Like human languages , the genetic code is to a considerable extent arbitrary .
6 To a considerable extent these aims are being achieved .
7 The history of children 's theatre and Theatre in Education ( as it is now called ) , with its own nice mixture of educational thinkers as its leaders — Bertha Waddell , Caryl Jenner , Gerald Tyler , Gordon Vallins , Stuart Bennett , Roger Chapman , Cora Williams , John O'Toole ( 1976 ) , David Pammeter , Pam Schweitzer , Geoff Gillham and Tony Jackson ( 1980 ) , to select a few — to a considerable extent reflects the changing conception of drama in the classroom during these two decades .
8 These advantages for Mrs Thatcher were , however , to a considerable extent counterbalanced by the composition of and the tactics adopted by her campaign team .
9 Although the attack on the forms of classic nineteenth-century fiction was pursued in the interests of modernity , it is evident from the defences provided by the nouveaux romanciers that they were in fact relying to a considerable extent on a revised concept of realism .
10 To a considerable extent , each republican or provincial national bank acts autonomously , and keeps a watchful eye on the financial position of its own republic or province .
11 To a considerable extent it shades into the self-education function , especially if the latter is broadened to include practical matters ( do-it-yourself , cookery , sport , etc . ) .
12 It can be seen that these two main goals overlap to a considerable extent , but that emphasis for the end-user lies within a subject area and is therefore closely dependent on subject knowledge , whereas emphasis for the intermediary lies on breadth of knowledge — on the coverage and organization of many databases and the operation of a number of processing systems .
13 The unorganised relationship of one enterprise with another , through buying and selling , has to a considerable extent been replaced by an organised relationship through the ‘ controlled holding ’ of shares , ‘ participation ’ and ‘ financing ’ , which find personal expression in the ‘ Dirigenten ’ of the banks , industry , the enterprises and trusts .
14 Consequently , value as a category … is least useful of all during the transition period , where commodity production to a considerable extent disappears and there is no equilibrium .
15 The money-form of value mystifies this extraction to a considerable extent ; moreover it seems not to require the intervention of the state .
16 The second type : considerably fewer relics of serfdom , the landowner has to a considerable extent already become a capitalist , the peasants are better off and the peasant market has a greater capacity , etc .
17 He failed always to understand that there was a large area of common ground in British public opinion on India which consisted in the belief that , with a few adjustments , British rule could be made , and remain , acceptable to Indians for ever , and that differences of opinion were to a considerable extent about how this was to be done .
18 We have simplified the competitive situation to a considerable extent , and by choosing largely family-owned businesses have managed to avoid questions of ownership .
19 So to a considerable extent the individual , and the problems that ageing people experience generally , are structured by dominant social attitudes and values , and this element needs to be added to the circle .
20 The decline of the extended family network , and its replacement by smaller ‘ nuclear ’ family groups , has meant that valuable networks of support and care have to a considerable extent disappeared .
21 To a considerable extent , older people have learnt to respond appropriately to the dominant social expectations of old age , but often entirely inappropriately to their own feelings and needs .
22 In the merchant service wooden hulls were to a considerable extent replaced by composite and iron and steel construction after the middle of the century .
23 One is therefore guided to a considerable extent by the appearance of the joint and also relies upon the inspection procedure during manufacture .
24 It should be noted that these stages are to a considerable extent socially and economically determined .
25 The annual cycle of the mountain goat , as well as its social life , is determined to a considerable extent by the need to find food .
26 Differences in style and content of appeal to a considerable extent mirrored divergent estimates of the virtues of parliament and people , as well as differing assessments of how to win over a self-conscious political class .
27 To a considerable extent the Europe of the Six had been a Christian Democrat creation .
28 The growing central controls on the curriculum , and other aspects of state schooling , has to a considerable extent been grounded on a concern with the quality of teaching , and the associated view that improving the quality of education is dependent on improving the quality of teaching .
29 to institute a searching examination by a competent authority of every child in every school to which grants are to be paid with the view of ascertaining whether these indispensable elements of knowledge are thoroughly acquired and to make the prospects and position of the teacher dependent , to a considerable extent , on the results of this examination .
30 They have , so far as is possible , wished to interpret the texts within a context of earlier teaching and pre-conciliar practice , against which the Council was , to a considerable extent , deliberately reacting ; yet , as the texts even as finally formulated remain to a considerable extent a jumble deriving from different hands and including material composed substantially before the Council began , there is much in them to countenance such a viewpoint .
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