Example sentences of "to [art] full extent " in BNC.

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1 The study points out : ‘ There are uncomfortably strong reasons for supposing that industry in Britain has not adopted microelectronics to the fullest extent possible and that in consequence it is already tending to fall behind our leading competitors . ’
2 No two humans ever communicated to the fullest extent if they did not empathize with the mind of the other .
3 21.1 In the event that any or any part of the terms , conditions or provisions contained in this Agreement shall be determined invalid , unlawful or unenforceable to any extent such term , condition or provision shall be severed from the remaining terms , conditions and provisions which shall continue to be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law .
4 Good health is as much to do with being in good spirits , being happy and content , coping with the problems and difficulties of life , but enjoying life to the fullest extent possible .
5 He was joined there by a succession of members of a group of young Viennese associates , fellow exiles from Europe , who were attracted by König 's vision of therapeutic residential communities where children with learning difficulties and behaviour problems arising from organic disorders and emotional disturbances could receive a broad education to the fullest extent their individual capabilities would allow , within a caring , sharing , self-governing , Christian ‘ family ’ setting .
6 The Labour Party must continue to reject the tax on the low paid , the young , the elderly , and needs to commit itself to a restoration of the Wages Councils , an increase in the power of the Wages Councils , and an improvement in the Wages Inspectorate , to ensure that all employers who break the minimum wages legislation be detected and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law .
7 Money was needed to build the factories and provide the machinery to exploit these resources to the fullest extent .
8 The programmed computer is merely a tool which allows the operator to use his creativity and imagination to the fullest extent and efficiency .
9 But if the airspace is excluded from the demise , the tenant 's adviser should ensure that the tenant obtains a right to enter the airspace for the purpose of performing his covenants. ( g ) Fences In the case of wooden fences it is likely to be inferred that in the absence of freeboard the owner of land will use his land to the fullest extent ; and the fence will be deemed to belong to the person on whose side the rails and posts are placed , the palings being placed on his neighbour 's side ( Halsbury 's Laws of England , 4th edn , vol 4 , para 849 ) .
10 The success of the treatment depends very much on the skill and intelligence of the operatives and careful supervision to ensure that attention is given to the full extent of affected areas .
11 Although companies are not expected to go to unreasonable lengths to accommodate someone who is not able to carry out his job to the full extent , an employer who disregards altogether the possibility of finding you some other position and is unwilling to consider any other form of compromise may be vulnerable to an unfair dismissal claim .
12 I run the nets out to the full extent and erect them on the return journey .
13 Labour law application for full-time employees generally applies to the full extent also for part-time employees .
14 Companies are liable to the full extent of their assets for any guarantees signed in their name .
15 He argues that more people will live to the full extent of their lifespans and that the onset of disability will be squeezed into the last phase of life .
16 Hence , full partners , of which there must be at least one , are liable to the full extent of their personal assets , as with other forms of partnership .
17 Imagine the result if Mr Salomon had continued to trade as a sole proprietor ; he would have been personally liable to the full extent for all business debts incurred .
18 However , the members will be personally liable to the company to the full extent for the debts of the company .
19 Question 12 Should the Council normally exercise its discretion not to make a grant from the compensation fund where the application has already received payment from SIF to the full extent of 1 million ?
20 He gives a running commentary on what is happening at the moment in the game but also gives a players history where he thinks it will help the reader to understand to a fuller extent what is happening in the play .
21 So I think th th that the one thing which is good I think , is a possibility of re-opening it up , and possibly using it to a fuller extent , which might actually give it er , er , new lease of life .
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