Example sentences of "question [subord] [prep] [Wh adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In reply to a question as to how many cathedral choristers become clergy , the response of 2.5% was consistent across the country .
2 He told reporters that Mr Vance and Lord Owen were ‘ not throwing up their hands ’ but there was ‘ a question as to how many days they can keep going with a negotiating process which is not getting anywhere . ’
3 There must be some question as to how reliable the East German troops would be in such a situation , bearing in mind that most of them are conscripts , and that about 30,000 of them have recently been released from military service to man understaffed factories .
4 Having persuaded Eudoxus that Ireland must be reformed , Irenius answers his question as to how this can be accomplished other than by laws and ordinances .
5 Additional interest is generated by the large and varying changes in the real price of different fuels over the 1970s and early 1980s and by the question as to how this has affected different households .
6 As it turned out , the wide spread of professional competence present in the workshop made questions as to where individual expertise had been acquired recede in importance compared to the real advances in thinking which could be made through an immediate exchange of ideas .
7 Naturally enough , this raised all sorts of questions as to how much of the estate could in good faith be consumed by him ; and ( the question here ) in what circumstances the estate could be said to have been diminished .
8 Most of the vital questions as to how these skills are acquired , how they are to be selected and adjusted according to context , how easily or not different kinds of school environment can accommodate them and so on , are begged .
9 The displays include not only product design but also the decorative arts and crafts , stimulating questions as to how these different areas are defined , distinguished and interrelated ; issues are raised not only in terms of production but also concerning the impact and significance of consumption in the design process .
10 The fact that most of the codes and standards incorporated in VDU safety clauses seem frequently to have been taken wholesale from various union guidance documents , raises questions as to how meaningful the discussions on VDUs have been .
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