Example sentences of "a comprehensive list of " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Well , ’ he said , ‘ if we went seriatim through it all , I might pick some holes in the idea that there was such a comprehensive list of mind-changing . ’
2 The chapter on new free radical reactions discusses the Barbier reaction — which is similar to the Grignard reaction — and the next chapter gives details of catalyst preparation , activation and the various types of systems , with a comprehensive list of references .
3 The sale particulars included , as well as the mill itself , a comprehensive list of machinery and equipment , outbuildings and fourteen workers ' cottages .
4 Each chapter begins with a brief introduction , and ends with a comprehensive list of references — typically in the hundreds .
5 Harry Blattel 's recent book provides in one volume a comprehensive list of over 37,000 miniaturists world wide .
6 The Secretary of State has made regulations specifying teachers ' contractual obligations ; a comprehensive list of duties ; he has decided to scrap the long-established machinery in which teachers ' pay and conditions were negotiated and has assumed temporary powers to determine these himself ; and he has introduced a national curriculum .
7 For a comprehensive list of fixatives , see my article on soft pastels in the October 1992 issue .
8 One solution is to adopt the North American practice of providing patients with a comprehensive list of postoperative complications , but to most British doctors the prospect of burdening patients with ‘ unwanted ’ information about what might go wrong is deemed to be both unhelpful and unkind .
9 The Topic Criteria provide a comprehensive list of mathematical skills and processes .
10 This is not meant to be a comprehensive list of possible situations ; the intention is to show how to tackle any distribution that occurs in practice .
11 For example , Coppock ( 1978 ) has produced a comprehensive list of sources , and Rhind and Hudson ( 1980 ) have combined these into four main sources :
12 Trevor and Andrew draw up a comprehensive list of
13 Contact the museum or watch local press for a comprehensive list of current exhibitions .
14 The booklet contains advice on how to organise a local project , where to go for help , ( there is a comprehensive list of useful organisations in Wales ) and a section on helpful publications .
15 On the desirability or otherwise of a comprehensive list of what should be done at each level , the best way to proceed is for there to be a presumption , effectively , that matters are best dealt with at national level unless it can be shown that that is better done at Community level .
16 Where such a ‘ Healthcheck ’ is carried out , care should be taken to ensure that the report addressed to the client only that the client is made aware that it is not a comprehensive list of all matters to be addressed prior to sale and that implementation of recommendations does not necessarily mean that management should provide any warranties on the matter .
17 These will be prepared on the basis of the information already provided and will , necessarily , be subject to a comprehensive list of conditions .
18 A comprehensive list of these functions is out of place in this overview , but a glance through the following paragraphs should provide a general impression of LIFESPAN 's functional range .
19 The audit aimed to establish a comprehensive list of the modules being offered throughout the Region , and to identify the gaps in provision .
20 The above does not purport to be a comprehensive list of the items which need to be agreed before a merger can workselection , retention and dismissal of staff , harmonisation of computer systems and other equipment , for example , are as likely to prove the sticking point .
21 It is not possible to provide the reader with a comprehensive list of these , because they vary from one transaction to another .
22 In some cases a party may effectively exclude liability by including a comprehensive list of the duties it undertakes and making it clear that the list is exclusive .
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