Example sentences of "and smiling [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The little girl was still holding the baby , cradling it and smiling into its face .
2 Troops and tanks were coming over the bridge , the soldiers appeared very pleased to be here , waving and smiling at everyone .
3 ‘ To hell with the client ’ says Howard , catching her hand and smiling at her .
4 ‘ Do n't go , ’ said the doctor , lying back in his chair and smiling at her lazily .
5 ‘ I 'm going to help you , ’ he said , jumping up and smiling at her .
6 ‘ I see he bred a good hater , ’ said Isambard , looking him over at leisure as he held him , and smiling at what he found .
7 But Gemma saw it and smiling at him , her affection undiminished , closed her own eyes gratefully .
8 We felt , or at least I did , intensely happy , and I found myself looking straight into people 's faces and smiling at them .
9 I mean , there she was nodding away and smiling at me , and Ollie , poor old dimwit braindead Ollie , actually jumped to the conclusion that these outward behavioural ties were reliable indicators of reciprocated attraction .
10 Cos she 's gone mad and they put it on her , right , and they , they 're holding her and they 're tapping out of the stage sidewards and she 's sort of like going like this , she , she , thinks all these nice men 'll love me and then like at the end of the show you see them , they 're tapping her out of the studio and putting her into a van and she 's still wearing a straight jacket and smiling at you .
11 The sowing of the seed of the gospel does not happen just with a look , any more than the sowing of barley occurs by the farmer going out and smiling at his field .
12 As Little Billy went from window to window , the Minpins followed him , clustering round and smiling at his exclamations of wonder .
13 He waited for three-quarters of an hour , until the mottled grey of false-dawn had given way to a pink-and-pearl flush above the silent rooftops , then left , walking between the rows of drawn curtains and smiling at his wrong choice .
14 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
15 Jenna lay looking at the sky , breathing in the smell of the grass and smiling to herself .
16 So write , Nicholas , ’ he said , leaning back relaxed and smiling in his chair , ‘ and I will sign it .
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