Example sentences of "of the situation around " in BNC.

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1 Asked why Hulme , with an open goal before him , did not move up further to be certain of his target before shooting , he answered that the man on the field did not have as clear a view of the situation around him as did the spectator and was not always aware of how much time he had for his moves .
2 Fourthly , Low " raised the question of the situation around Bleiburg " .
3 In his speech before the Indian Parliament in December 1980 Brezhnev denied that the Soviet Union posed a threat to the Gulf Soviet leaders proposed sureties for Western interests in Gulf oil and by 1981 expressed their readiness ‘ to take part in a settlement of the situation around Afghanistan … linked with matters of Persian Gulf security ’ .
4 Soviet writers subsequently argued that the EEC policy on the Afghan issue , coordinated in the neutralisation plan , ‘ served as an additional factor strengthening the inconsistency of the policy of Pakistan in the ‘ Afghan question ’ and , consequently , postponing the prospects of a real settlement of the situation around Afghanistan ’ .
5 Soviet officials were relieved when the Iranian government replaced this extremist plan in July 1982 with the view that a settlement of the situation around Afghanistan should be based on ‘ the principles of Islam and non-alignment ’ .
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