Example sentences of "was contrary to the " in BNC.

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1 He said that he thought it wrong to encourage a military spirit , and that it was contrary to the ideals of disarmament .
2 This was contrary to the opinion of the world and society which thought of him as a boffin .
3 The choice , according to such critics , has been either to increase taxes to cover the public spending for the services — which was contrary to the government 's tax-cutting policies — or to reduce the scale of state provision of welfare .
4 He noted that the taking of hostages was utterly banned by a fatwa of the Ayatollah , and was contrary to the Shia religion .
5 The bishop declared that for a clerk in holy orders to sit as a justice in eyre for forest pleas was contrary to the canons of the Church , and rendered him ineligible for an office involving the cure of souls .
6 While his father was still alive , the Prince Regent had married secretly a Roman Catholic widow , Maria Fitzherbert , but as it was without his father 's consent , it was contrary to the Royal Marriage Act of 1772 , so in 1795 , he married his cousin , Caroline of Brunswick , and a daughter was born , Princess Charlotte , but George IV and Caroline grew to loathe one another , so from 1796 they lived apart .
7 It was argued before the Court that this was contrary to the fundamental principle that products must freely move throughout the Community , The European Court of Justice agreed and held that once a product had been lawfully produced and marketed in a member state , other member states must recognise that fact and allow it to be imported and sold in its own territory .
8 It was not Gandhi 's intention when he originally decided to fast to exert moral coercion on the mill-owners , since coercion in any form was contrary to the aims of satyāgraha , yet despite the unexpected result of his fast Gandhi still felt that he had acted correctly in the circumstances.m The experience did not prevent him either from using fasts as a form of satyāgraha on other occasions with similar results .
9 Though in theory taking life was contrary to the tenets of Buddhism , it was considered more shocking to kill animals for other persons , or for their hides , than to kill for a meal .
10 The Inland Revenue eventually decided that this practice was contrary to the legislation on PRP schemes , and put an end to it in a Statement of Practice ( SP7/92 , see ACCOUNTANCY , October , p 103 ) .
11 ( The 1989 Monopolies and Mergers Commission Report on the Brewing Industry concluded that the operation of ‘ tied houses ’ by the large brewers was contrary to the public interest and proposed a limit on the number of public houses that each brewer could own , although the Commission 's proposals were significantly modified by the government . )
12 The corporation said ‘ full consideration ’ would be given to Boyd 's conclusions that Grimethorpe colliery could be viable , but it added : ‘ Such an analysis was contrary to the indications from recent performance and likely prospects at that mine . ’
13 He recognized that this was contrary to the opinion of the pope and others at the papal court , but he put it forward as his own : ‘ others certainly may have thought of it , but I received it from no one ’ .
14 In that case it was held that a journalist lacked standing for an order ( of mandamus ) that the chair of the justices should reveal the names of the magistrates who had heard a particular case , but that he did have standing for a declaration that a policy of not disclosing the names of justices who heard certain types of cases was contrary to the public interest and unlawful .
15 The defendants successfully applied to the English court for this service to be set aside on the grounds that personal service by the agent of a foreign litigant without the approval of the Swiss authorities was a criminal offence under the Swiss Penal Code and could not be regarded as valid service , as no English court could authorise service which was contrary to the internal law of the country in which service was to be effected .
16 Waldock remained unconvinced by the argument that it was contrary to the sovereign equality of States , for the third party remained free to reject the right , a view he considered supported by more recent State practice and jurisprudence .
17 However , as the court held in Commission of the European Communities v. Belgium ( Case 221/85 ) [ 1987 ] E.C.R. 719 , such a restriction , even if formally applicable without distinction as to nationality , would be contrary to article 52 if it was contrary to the principle of equality or if it was discriminatory in its intent or effect .
18 I can myself envisage no circumstances in which it would be right directly or indirectly to require a doctor to treat a patient in a way that was contrary to the doctor 's professional judgment and duty to the patient .
19 Despite the passing of the Children Act 1989 , the inherent jurisdiction of the court could still be invoked in such a case to prevent an abortion which was contrary to the interests of the minor .
20 It was Mr. Newman 's submission that the matters to which regard should be had in the present case were ( 1 ) the lapse of time between the commission of the alleged offences and the request for extradition , and ( 2 ) the fact that the accusation against the applicant was contrary to the interests of justice , in that it would lead to the trial of the applicant in Sweden on the basis of the record of Price 's evidence , despite the fact that Price had subsequently retracted that evidence in this country in so far as it implicated the applicant .
21 In earlier times many learned lawyers seem to have believed that an Act of Parliament could be disregarded in so far as it was contrary to the law of God or the law of nature or natural justice , but since the supremacy of Parliament was finally demonstrated by the Revolution of 1688 any such idea has become obsolete .
22 In earlier times many learned lawyers seem to have believed that an Act of Parliament could be disregarded in so far as it was contrary to the law of God or the law of nature or natural justice , but since the supremacy of Parliament was finally demonstrated by the Revolution of 1688 any such idea has become obsolete .
23 In addition , the Secretary of State could override or veto any decision of the Scottish Assembly if it affected a matter reserved to the Westminster Parliament in a way which the Secretary of State felt was contrary to the public interest .
24 In practice , the MMC has sometimes reported against foreign takeovers as contrary to the public interest , but the reasoning has been other than a desire to stifle competition ( e.g. the report on Government of Kuwait/British Petroleum , 1988 , which decided that it was contrary to the public interest for the Government of Kuwait to gain a major shareholding in BP ) .
25 One day he reported that the defence had claimed that partisan warfare was contrary to the Hague Convention , that the Germans therefore had every right to take reprisals against the partisans , and that any excesses on their part were explained if not justified by their horror of what the partisans did .
26 Team manager John Birch ( who shortly afterwards rocked the county by resigning , a few days after signing a new three-year contract ) explained : ‘ I have always felt that it was contrary to the best interests of a professional game to operate with a mainly semi-professional staff .
27 That which was sufficient for the needs of the people was permitted , but innovation for its own sake , or for the purposes of profit , was contrary to the law .
28 Harbury dived in with a question about the legality of such a transfer which , like much of what MacQuillan had done , was contrary to the conditions on which he had been allowed to acquire the paper .
29 A reasonable definition to cover wilful act would be ‘ any act , omission or behaviour which the insured customer knew , or should have known , was contrary to the terms and conditions of his employment or which he knew , or should have known , would lead to the termination of his employment ’ .
30 The court ruled that such action was contrary to the 1950 European Convention of Human Rights , which guaranteed , to any individual deprived of freedom , the right to a review in a court of law , as well as the right to contest the reasons for a reimprisonment .
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