Example sentences of "is neither [noun sg] nor " in BNC.

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1 However , against this statutory backdrop , the professional bodies have developed a policy-making role and , following the example set in the USA , with the introduction of the Accounting Standards Board in 1990 we have seen the establishment of a standard-setting body which is neither government nor the accounting profession .
2 The preamble recites that the line between Bishop 's Castle and Craven Arms is ‘ complete ’ , which is a ‘ misapprehension of dates ’ at all events , inasmuch as there is neither station nor locomotive on the line .
3 If an election is afoot there is neither sight nor sound of it .
4 Where ownership can not be established , there is neither responsibility nor law ; resource management is likely to fail until some equally sound basis for law can be established .
5 It is musically unrelated to The Art of Fugue , but its presence in this context — Bach dedicated his poignant revision of the piece during the last months of his life — is neither inapposite nor in any sense to be regretted .
6 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
7 Thus it may be said ( stage one ) that fundamental to the biblical outlook is that in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , no more male and female .
8 Thus it seemed to me clear that the Galatians passage ( that there is neither Jew nor Greek , nor bond nor free , there is no more male and female ) 20 was of the essence of Christianity .
9 It is of interest that it would seem to be the case that the Galatians verse , that in Christ ‘ there is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is no ‘ male and female ’ , makes direct reference to Genesis .
10 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
11 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
12 It is of interest that it would seem to be the case that the Galatians verse , that in Christ ‘ there is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is no ‘ male and female ’ , makes direct reference to Genesis .
13 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
14 There is neither Jew nor Greek , there is neither slave nor free , there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in Christ Jesus .
15 Baresi says Milan ca n't change tactics to accommodate one who ‘ is neither striker nor midfielder . ’
16 There is neither triforium nor clerestory ; the crossing dome is conical and unusual .
17 The aisled nave has four bays and the church is barrel vaulted throughout at almost the same height — there is neither triforium nor clerestory .
18 Nelson wrote ‘ I have applications from the different line of battle ships for surveys on most of their sails and running rigging which can not be complied with as there is neither cordage nor sails to replace the unserviceable stores and therefore the evil must be combated in the best manner possible . ’
19 And yet the problems reason hopes to resolve will not go away and we are little wiser in that respect than when Pascal wrote so perceptively : ‘ Man is neither angel nor brute , and the unfortunate thing is that he who would act the angel acts the brute . ’
20 We have expropriation — it is the economic revolution against the only-just ex-ruling classes ; during the period of primitive capitalist accumulation there is neither revolution nor fight against the old master , but the destruction of peasants ; in that case there is the creation of a necessary class pole ; in our case nothing similar .
21 Therefore it seems clear that the real issue is neither closure nor business as usual .
22 The understanding of music is neither sensation nor a sum of sensations .
23 The atoms are all ‘ frozen ’ into the random positions they occupied in the liquid , producing a material which is neither crystal nor liquid : not crystal because it does n't have an ordered structure , not liquid because it does n't flow .
24 One is to be a good parent ( he is neither husband nor father ) and the other is to be a good representative of the people . ’
25 There is neither mystery nor doubt about its important place in history .
26 The well-meaning piety of one who is neither leader nor musician ought to be used elsewhere than in the direction of the Church 's music .
27 I do little but rest and try to put this house into some sort of order but as yet there is neither pleasure nor profit in it .
28 A pH of 7 is neutral , which means the water is neither acid nor alkaline and may fish will adapt to this — both those which prefer acid or alkaline conditions .
29 Those who , wittingly or not , use the concept of ‘ human rights ’ to attack societies from within or without find in the end that the result is neither health nor well-being .
30 Reine les Falaises is neither town nor country .
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