Example sentences of "it [is] important to realise " in BNC.

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1 It is important to realise that if the glider stops just within the boundary , another few feet of height could have meant a serious overshoot and perhaps a damaged aircraft .
2 It is important to realise that there is no particular danger in downwind landings on an airfield , apart from the possibility of floating too far and overshooting into the far boundary .
3 It is important to realise that divine impassibility is an aspect of God 's immutability , that God is utter perfection and completely self-sufficient and therefore can not be subject to change .
4 It is important to realise that if you decide to get a car without using the Motability scheme you will have to pay the full costs of adaptations .
5 Even more astonishing were the intermediate figures : ‘ It is important to realise just how phenomenally fast these are .
6 It is important to realise the fact of ‘ dormitory ’ villages now so widely spread over England ; from any of the Essex towns one can see , as soon as works close down , a long string of bicycles returning to the villages outside …
7 It is important to realise that shrubs such as blackthorn , privet and field maple are food plants of some of our rare butterflies and moths .
8 It is important to realise that serious books of this kind , which form the backbone of the libraries and were first laid down by the Victorians , are most often those which are not taken out or ‘ issued ’ at all .
9 ‘ Moreover , it is important to realise that a commitment to animal welfare is consistent with striving to improve the overall condition of those individuals who have a welfare , both humans and other animals , even if this means decreasing the welfare of some .
10 It is important to realise however , that all four bodies ( which includes the physical ) interpenetrate with one another ; whatever affects one aspect will affect the whole .
11 It is important to realise that the law-breaking of large businesses and corporations can have severe consequences .
12 It is important to realise that credit comes in many shapes and forms — and at different costs .
13 Many of these measures are small in themselves , but it is important to realise that the changed atmosphere in the town — in the sense of more greenery , more skeet play possibilities , lower noise levels and so on — represents a sum that is greater than the parts in developing a pedestrian- and cycle-friendly environment .
14 It is important to realise though , that antiquarian as Tolkien 's motives often were , and ‘ pre-scientific ’ as the opinions of Galadriel and Solomon seem , what Tolkien was writing about is still in a way a live issue .
15 It is important to realise that the Gospel writers were not writing history as we understand it .
16 However , it is important to realise that double jacquard is quite a different fabric to single-bed Fair Isle and usually requires different yarns .
17 I think it is important to realise that there is an emotional and political logic behind the face of what people characterise as psychopathic terrorism .
18 It is important to realise that you ca n't hope to include every type of warrior and machine in your army … there are just too many !
19 In order to appreciate fully the emphasis of a sociological perspective , it is important to realise that sociology as a discipline arose within distinct historical , intellectual and social contexts , and that is the product of a particular era in particular societies .
20 It is important to realise that changes in the level of social mobility have no direct connection with patterns of inequality in society : movement between classes does not abolish objective class structures .
21 It is important to realise that credit comes in many shapes and forms — and at different costs .
22 The majority of these deaths occur in the first hour and it is important to realise that if early ventricular fibrillation is survived the ultimate outcome is unaffected .
23 It is important to realise that not all sentence ambiguity originates in lexical ambiguity ; furthermore , our tests for ambiguity are not , in general , capable of discriminating between lexical and non-lexical varieties .
24 However , it is important to realise that they are used only if the main table numbers do not adequately classify the document .
25 Further , it is important to realise that many older women ( disabled or not ) are also supporting others .
26 It is important to realise that the allege irreducibility of " greater than " and other similar relations to qualitative " properties turns entirely upon this assumption .
27 In this latter case it is important to realise that we should expect to get true hyphenated justification or H&J as it is commonly known .
28 Before choosing a painting or drawing package it is important to realise the fundamental difference between them .
29 It is important to realise early on that the degree to which you can let the computer get on with producing your pages automatically corresponds exactly to the amount of control over those pages that you will be able to exert as a user .
30 It is important to realise , however , that the planning totals in the Public Expenditure White Paper from 1990 onwards exclude an element of local spending which they used to include .
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