Example sentences of "it [adv] difficult to get " in BNC.

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1 Why was it so difficult to get ministers to meet ( a judgement , incidentally , buttressed by a careful reading of the Franks Report ) ?
2 These patients can experience many kinds of problems when in a different environment such as increased stiffening of the back and limbs due to lack of exercise because they find it so difficult to get out of the hospital chair ; and incontinence for the same reason .
3 After all — had n't one of the things that had made it so difficult to get over Tony been the fact that he 'd got off scot-free ?
4 , I did n't know that one had gone , usually it 's the bulb over there that had gone , but I find it so difficult to get at , you change it .
5 And she found it terribly difficult to get dresses !
6 ‘ I 've got part-time players and three or four are going to find it extremely difficult to get time off work .
7 But although , for many purposes , this sense of separate identity is not only understandable and indeed highly desirable , it is going to make it extremely difficult to get the best out of that ambitious enterprise which goes under the code-name ‘ 1992 ’ .
8 That sort of assault makes it more difficult to get up .
9 With the onset of the government 's new community care policies , many women will find themselves playing the traditional role of carers without payment and will consequently find it more difficult to get out to work .
10 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
11 ‘ Students are finding it increasingly difficult to get that experience .
12 Is not it hard that all those measures have been placed on students at a time when they find it particularly difficult to get vacation jobs or part-time jobs in term time and when those who graduate find it increasingly difficult to get jobs to pay off the overdrafts that they have had to incur as students ?
13 Is it particularly difficult to get in as a chemist , for example ?
14 This makes it quite difficult to get accurate figures about school-age mothers .
15 Day continues : ‘ Very few outlets would warrant more than one product , and that is usually a lager , so ale brands find it quite difficult to get in-trade distribution . ’
16 No I was just about to say confidence really I find it quite difficult to get assertive erm but when the situation does arise I suddenly get a gut feeling about it later
17 Finding it quite difficult to get work but erm he was over at Christmas for a short time .
18 My oil paintings often involve a lot of fine lines and small details , but when using fine brushes I find it very difficult to get the oil paint to flow from the brush very smoothly .
19 She found it very difficult to get out of bed , so we moved life to centre it in the bedroom .
20 ( In my experience non-graduates , for instance , can find it very difficult to get above a certain level in some companies . )
21 My oil paintings often involve a lot of fine lines and small details , but when using fine brushes I find it very difficult to get the oil paint to flow from the brush very smoothly .
22 Rapidly changing light at any time , especially at sunset or sunrise , makes it very difficult to get this kind of balance right .
23 Er I would certainly find it very difficult to get my remaining written submissions to erm by five o'clock tomorrow .
24 In addition , the contributions made by LASMO and other supporters meant that local students , who find it very difficult to get funding , were able to take part in a project in their own country .
25 I found it very difficult to get past the first fleet but when I did the game became more enjoyable especially as the 256 colour graphics match most games out today .
26 She found it very difficult to get her tongue round the unfamiliar words .
27 Some less obvious conditions , such as arthritis of the shoulder , can make it very difficult to get into and out of a car .
28 They find it very difficult to get into Torbay to try and trade cos it 's very , I mean it 's another hour on the trip really is n't it ?
29 Now , there 's a lot of controversy sometimes about getting into universities , and I want to ask you , is it very difficult to get into a university these days ?
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