Example sentences of "side with [pos pn] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The media are aware of this fact , and photographs of Hannah side by side with Her Ladyship featured in a hundred newspapers and more
2 It was lying on its side with its legs drawn stiffly up to a grossly distended belly .
3 There was not a great deal to see , as he was curled up on one side with his thumb jammed in his mouth , and four chubby fingers obscured that part of his face not pressed deep into the bolster .
4 But if her words had any effect on him , he had n't revealed it ; instead he had continued to avoid her glance , riding at her side with his features frozen in the same expressionless mask .
5 And Riven sat beside Madra as she lay on most of the bedding they had left , with strips of cloak bound about the wounds which bit into her , and Ratagan on her other side with his face twisted in concern .
6 He lies on his side with his eyes shut and his mouth open .
7 Scenes of empires lost and won , Gordon at Khartoum and fuzzy-wuzzies at Omdurman , dreadnoughts and dreadlocks , gallopers plunging and rearing and lying on their sides with their legs broken , bears and tigers and great striding birds and British lions with Union Jack saddles .
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