Example sentences of "the use of resources " in BNC.

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1 Heads of department acquired heavier responsibilities , but were at the same time often grouped in wider partnerships — often known , somewhat grandly , as faculties — to encourage more interdisciplinary work and greater flexibility in the use of resources .
2 a statement on the use of resources ;
3 the use of resources from outside the school , such as the LEA Training Grants Scheme ( LEATGS ) budget ; and
4 To ensure that hospital consultants — whose decisions effectively commit sums of money — are involved in the management of hospitals ; are given responsibility for the use of resources ; and are encouraged to use those resources more effectively .
5 A social studies programme must suggest the use of resources such as the market , the shop , the dispensary or the roadside , even though its makers may be aware that a very large number of deep rural schools have none of these resources at hand .
6 The use of resources provided in kind by the state , such as health and welfare services , follows the reverse pattern , with usage increasing with age .
7 Both the enlarged access facility and the supplementary financing facility are available to members of the IMF only in conjunction with the use of resources in the upper credit tranches ( i.e. they are special arrangements when normal credit lines are insufficient ) and are for countries which are facing serious payments imbalances that are large in relation to their quotas .
8 The ‘ federal ’ approach recognises the advantages to be gained if the separate local authority services are provided within a framework that allows for economies in the use of resources and recognises departmental interdependencies .
9 Suggestions are also welcomed on policies which are believed necessary to retain an economically viable industry , efficient in the use of resources and sensitive in its management of the natural environment .
10 The use of resources was a piecemeal affair .
11 The resources support team organized by Mr Ryder 's advisory section brought together experienced MROs and school librarians ; the team as a whole planned a range of activities , including exhibitions , in-service training , and the compilation of catalogues and lists , and in addition supplied pairs of specialists who would " " immerse themselves " in schools for up to several weeks at a time building up a resources centre and advising on the use of resources generally . "
12 What is required now is a strategy for the socialist use of democratic control over the local state which , while never neglecting what efforts are possible at providing services in a socialist ( i. e. humane and effective ) fashion in the foreseeable future , pays a great deal of attention to the use of resources for the mobilization of forces .
13 However unpalatable , socialists have to consider the idea that profitability may function to some extent as an indicator of relative efficiency in the use of resources , especially as between substitutes for meeting a given social need .
14 ( 5 ) Weakened district planning of health services — District health authorities have to plan health services for populations , maximise efficiency in the use of resources , and address inequalities in provision .
15 For these ( and other ) reasons , large organisations are able to achieve economies of scale in the use of resources .
16 As Beesley ( 1983 , p. 31 ) emphasizes , reviews rely ‘ heavily on self-examination ’ reflecting the belief ‘ that Ministers and their officials are better equipped than anyone to examine the use of resources for which they are responsible ’ .
17 They must assure themselves that the authority has made ‘ proper arrangements for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness ’ in the use of resources .
18 Recommendations about classroom management , group work , the planning of projects , the fostering of pupils ' self-reliance , the use of resources , classroom display and a number of other topics , reinforced by the powerful visual device of a model classroom , identified the various items on the advisory team 's agenda for reforming classroom practice .
19 On a more domestic level , the management of Trust offices and properties will be reviewed to reduce the use of resources such as paper , and potentially harmful materials , such as cleaning chemicals .
20 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts along the Iraqi-Jordanian border .
21 Lord , your will is that the world 's resources should be shared by all men ; we pray against greed and selfishness in the use of resources , and especially pray for your guiding hand on relief efforts in the famine areas of Africa .
22 They will also reach conclusions about the allocation of resources and their priority in terms of the use of resources to address the specific health needs of their local populations .
23 The district health authority received an unusual ECR and in those circumstances it was entitled to ensure that the use of resources involved in that decision was justified .
24 The Head of Department said he expected that the review would ‘ follow them through the normal day ’ , looking at ‘ the way we run the department ; the way we work according to the syllabus — how we relate to it ; the stock control ; the use of resources ; the teaching content and the skills taught ’ ( verified note of meeting ) .
25 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
26 Thus teachers , on one side , can know everything about the technicalities of curriculum , pedagogy , the use of resources and professional standards .
27 The other seven emerge in one formulation ( Gilbert 1990 : 36 – 7 ) as a statement of curriculum objectives , a review of current provision , changes and priorities in the next immediate year , strategies for implementing those changes , a statement on the use of resources , a plan for monitoring and evaluation and a statement of development priorities for the coming three or four years .
28 Individual animals and people are seen as people or animals acting as ‘ survival machines ’ , being largely programmed by their genes towards the expansion of inclusive fitness and the use of resources to that end .
29 The teacher of history will need to plan the use of resources so that some parts of the scheme of work are delivered through computers .
30 Medical audit was defined in Working Paper 6 as " the systematic critical analysis of the quality of medical care , including the procedures used for diagnosis and treatment , the use of resources , and the resulting outcome and quality of life for the patient " ( DOH 1989 : 3 ) .
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