Example sentences of "the [adj] exchange rate " in BNC.

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1 Pebbles had broken the course record and brought her owner $900,000 ( £629,371 at the prevailing exchange rate ) , the greatest amount ever won by an English-trained horse in a single race .
2 THE RAW political pressure for an early decision to join the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) was increased at Blackpool yesterday by a coincidental pincer movement headed by Michael Heseltine and the Daily Mail .
3 The former Cabinet minister joined the pro-Tory Daily Mail in urging an early decision on membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism , something which was ruled out by a senior Cabinet source as jumping ‘ from the puddle into the pond ’ .
4 But the disappointment was restrained , even if Mr Lawson left important questions such as joining the European exchange rate mechanism unanswered .
5 His conference speech was marked by the absence of any reference to membership of the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) , and in a BBC interview he added that he would have ‘ no announcement to make about that ’ in his key speech at the Mansion House next week .
6 MRS Thatcher last night coupled a softening of her hostility to British membership of the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) with a combative restatement of her intention to fight all the way against implementation of the Social Charter , the later stages of the Delors monetary union plan and greater powers for the Strasbourg parliament .
7 What effect will adherence to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism have on the cost of garden statuary ?
8 ‘ I will do whatever is necessary to preserve the value of the pound , ’ Mr Smith said , reaffirming his commitment to the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
9 Membership of the European exchange rate mechanism is seen as the main constraint on all parties , holding back growth and thus reducing the scope for popular moves to cut taxes or increase public spending .
10 The Portuguese escudo joined the European exchange rate mechanism on Friday and yesterday shot to pole position , hitting the top of its 6 p.c. band , and heaping pressure on the pound which remains the weak man of Euro currencies .
11 The escudo has now joined sterling in the European exchange rate mechanism .
12 If Norman Lamont keeps the job of Chancellor ( and he might do so only because of the shortlist of alternative candidates is embarrassingly short ) he may decide to delay the next cut in interest rates for long enough to convince the markets that he is serious about wanting to move sterling into narrow bands in the European exchange rate mechanism at its middle rate of Dm2.95 .
13 They behaved as though the European exchange rate mechanism had equipped them with a monetary policy and had left no point in discussing the subject further .
14 THE sudden popularity of the Portuguese escudo , which rose from obscurity to a position of strength inside the European exchange rate mechanism after it joined a week ago , could lead to the removal of restrictions on foreign investment earlier than planned .
15 It could also prove too great a hurdle for Mr Gould , a well-known Euro-sceptic , who made clear that he would be pressing for Labour to rethink its economic policy and to advocate realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism to enable it to put forward more positive policies on industry and employment .
16 A further point of issue between Mr Gould and Mr Smith is the European exchange rate mechanism .
17 Mr Gould , a prominent anti-Common Market campaigner in the 1970s , also favoured a realignment of the pound within the European exchange rate mechanism .
18 Mr Livingstone attributed Labour 's defeat to an economic policy hidebound by the need to defend the level of sterling inside the European exchange rate mechanism and an unwillingness to finance Labour 's spending commitments from defence cuts rather than tax increases on middle income groups .
19 Mr Livingstone would cut £7 billion from defence spending , reduce interest rates by two per cent and devalue the pound by 15 per cent in the European exchange rate mechanism .
20 Moving sterling to the narrow band of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism as soon as possible , helping stable progress towards lower interest rates .
21 To curb inflation , Labour will maintain the value of the pound within the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
22 Tory and Labour were united in supporting Britain 's membership of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism , and look how wrong they were over that .
23 The European Exchange Rate Mechanism is dead .
24 Following the withdrawal from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism , it slashed interest rates , allowed the value of Sterling to fall and put the accent of public spending on providing jobs .
25 DAVID MELLOR and Eldorado were in the running but the judges agreed there could be only one Turkey of the Year — the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
26 Base rates have fallen three per cent since Black Wednesday on September 16 when sterling crashed out of the European Exchange Rate mechanism .
27 The fear factor was heightened by the turmoil which followed Britain 's ejection from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism system .
28 Labour leader John Smith , in Question Time exchanges on freedom of information , demanded to know the cost to Britain of the ‘ fiasco ’ of Black Wednesday , when the pound was forced out of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism .
29 He boasts in the Tory-backing Daily Mail that she has been proved right in her warnings against the European exchange rate mechanism .
30 Her financial adviser , Mr John Bryan , had temporarily abandoned his horizontal summary of the European exchange rate mechanism .
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