Example sentences of "every [noun sg] [vb past] to be " in BNC.

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1 He ‘ caught numerous examples , marked and gave them their liberty , in order to ascertain whether the individuals which were flying round the ship at nightfall , were the same that were similarly engaged at daylight in the morning after a night 's run of 120 miles , and which in nearly every instance proved to be the case . ’
2 Every case had to be determined on its own particular facts ’ .
3 Every eventuality had to be covered .
4 Every Londoner seemed to be out of doors : the stall-holders were busy making up for lost trade and the air was thick with savoury smells from taverns and cookshops .
5 Every sentence had to be thought out in full , every adverb and adjective scrutinized for signs of contamination or hints of hysteria , those tell-tale flaws which would allow sharp minds to deduce that he was not writing about someone else 's misdeeds , but his own .
6 He had not told her he loved her , but his every action seemed to be saying it , even the tone of his voice .
7 Every light seemed to be glaring from the windows when they arrived .
8 Every generalisation had to be accompanied by qualifications and exceptions .
9 The original , dark Magoi were farmed in flooded rice paddies to provide protein in areas whose remoteness meant that every community needed to be self-sufficient .
10 Every move had to be calculated in advance .
11 Every penny had to be counted .
12 Every movement had to be perfect .
13 Every movement seemed to be performed in a trance that day .
14 ‘ — I was going to rip your clothes from you — ’ His hands sought the belt of her housecoat , and his every movement seemed to be tempered with respect .
15 It was obvious that , to make further progress , every manager had to be involved and non-production areas were just as important in the elimination of waste .
16 Within that every composer tried to be different , mistaking novelty for originality and quality .
17 Every word had to be prised from her , every smile coaxed .
18 Afleodham was rather deaf ; every word had to be repeated and every argument gone over time and time again , all this using three languages .
19 The friends of David Cunningham , such as Colonel Blackadder , had to be put off with a clear refusal , and a request to persuade Cunningham to withdraw , while at the same time every effort had to be made to engage all those gentlemen who had not committed themselves to a candidate to rally to Kirkton .
20 In such conditions every effort had to be made to keep the sea passages open — and safe .
21 Every letter had to be drawn , photographed , reduced , revised and photographed again .
22 Every bush seemed to be having its own deliberate rustle as she passed , she realised wryly , wondering whether unseen whispers were marginally better or worse than snakes , or other wildlife .
23 Every precaution had to be taken to ensure that the book would be read , not burned .
24 The names and addresses of every volunteer had to be entered on to our computer .
25 The life history of each and every individual needed to be grasped not merely in the context of his/her immediate environment , but as part of a broader racial history .
26 This is because when there is an actionable nuisance the law provides a legal remedy by way of injunction or damages and this it is not prepared to do in respect of every odour found to be annoying or objectionable ; neither would it be practicable especially since odours are notoriously subjective in nature affecting some individuals and not others and causing a variety of symptoms .
27 And his return to civilian life soon made him realize that almost every principle needed to be a little elastic .
28 Every panel had to be fitted tight and all outside rivets were countersunk .
29 The Bradfords entertained important people , and to correctly serve them food every detail had to be perfected .
30 Every time we made love I was convinced it was the last time , so every time had to be wonderful .
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