Example sentences of "term of the [noun sg] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The payments on a lease will normally be lower than on a contract allowing for the purchase of the asset , although sometimes the difference is small and then a rebate is made when the term of the contract finishes and the plane is sold .
2 It is further urged upon me that the justices , having found as a fact that the parents had been in continuous contact with each other , and the justices being satisfied that there were grounds for believing that both the children were likely to suffer significant harm , which was a specific finding that they made , they were plainly wrong in refusing to make an interim order in that they first of all failed to have regard to the fact that the parents had colluded over the cause of D. 's injuries , and there was evidence to that effect ; secondly , that the mother had lied to social services , Dr. Barnardo 's and the guardian about having had at the relevant times no contact with the father — and that is indeed what the mother has done , she has lied ; and , thirdly , that the father had been in breach of a term of the bail conditions which had been imposed upon him , not only on 23 December 1991 but ever since his release in as much as he had visited and contacted the mother .
3 The plaintiff group of companies borrowed sums of money from the defendant bank secured , inter alia , by mortgages and it was a term of the mortgage deeds that the plaintiffs would pay on demand and on a full indemnity basis all costs , charges and expenses however incurred by the bank or by a receiver under the mortgage or in enforcing the security .
4 It is in terms of the common-sense meanings and presuppositions of everyday life that other sub-versions of reality are socially constructed .
5 But he said : ‘ Cabra have indicated that the basic proposals are inadequate and unacceptable and have requested further clarification as to the terms of the outline proposals which , at this time , have not been received . ’
6 ( The patterns of coincidence could , of course , be described in terms of the congruence relations introduced earlier ; but no labels will be offered here except that , when congruence is perfect , the relation will be described as ‘ full ’ . )
7 ( 6–11 ’ ) ) where is a measure of capital intensity defined in terms of the factor shares .
8 The aim was ‘ to make sure that all their employees are well-versed with the terms of the Race Relations Act , 1976 , and also that they are committed to multi-culturism , anti-racism and the provision of equal opportunities for all . ’
9 The aim was ‘ to make sure that all their employees are well-versed with the terms of the Race Relations Act , 1976 , and also that they are committed to multi-culturism , anti-racism and the provision of equal opportunities for all . ’
10 Interestingly , no similar safeguard has yet been considered appropriate for the video industry under the terms of the Video Recordings Act 1984 .
11 Under the 1978 Act , which incorporates the terms of the Redundancy Payments Act 1965 , redundancy may arise if the work needed to be done by an employee gets less or becomes unnecessary ( in changed economic conditions ) or is expected to diminish or come to an end .
12 We need stability over the medium term at the very least in order to produce the units that we need , not this sort of one minute you 're off , one minute you 're not and again , if you were serious the resources were already there , there in terms of the capital receipts that people already had .
13 Differences were constantly defined by the polytechnic directors and others in terms of the funding differentials between the two sectors .
14 We then turn to a model where the motives for capital accumulation are set explicitly in terms of the life-cycle savings theory treated in Lecture 3 , and compare it with alternative approaches ( Section 8–4 ) .
15 An important safeguard introduced by the Act is the periodic review of detention to see if such detention is justified in terms of the detention criteria in section 37(2) noted above .
16 It is , I think , not untrue to say that too much has been made of an explanation of salvation couched primarily in terms of the law courts — crime and punishment — in which God the lawgiver demands and receives satisfaction .
17 The complexity and quantity of these hypotheses tends to make it impractical to define the control regime fully in terms of the knowledge sources alone ; instead , the pattern of activity can be quite complex and unpredictable , with sources being invoked and suspended repeatedly on different parts of the problem , depending on the characteristics of the data being processed .
18 What does seem to be the case is that Rolle had an experience of what he understood as divine reality which transfigured his ordinary perception and that he could only express this in terms of the way men respond to the arts of music and literature .
19 However , in terms of the way modules are stored in LIFESPAN , the most important type of module is the type PACKAGE .
20 Because producers are valuing the resources in terms of the price producers could get by transferring them to the meals industry .
21 As had been widely predicted by criminologists and other commentators , the detention centres with the new harsher regimes were no more successful than detention centres with unmodified regimes in terms of the reconvic-tion rates of their ex-inmates ( Home Office , 1994b ) .
22 He explains Scotland 's dietary changes in terms of the Highland Clearances which destroyed the peasantry .
23 Whenever a preliminary selection has been made the student should be encouraged to consider the feasibility of the topic in terms of the resource implications and other constraints .
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25 Students will be asked to monitor their own performance in terms of the learning outcomes and performance criteria throughout the module and to undertake an analysis and evaluation of the learning they have gained .
26 The purpose is generally expressed in terms of the research questions , which have a key role in planning research ( see Lewis and Munn , 1987 ) .
27 Devon , too , had succeeded only partially in terms of the policy aims .
28 In terms of the training materials themselves , it seems certain that digital multimedia will play a major role .
29 In accordance with the terms of the Local Authorities Traffic Orders ( Procedures ) ( Scotland ) Regulations 1987 , I write to advise you that Lothian Regional Council propose to promote a right turn prohibition Order from the A71 into the B7031 for both A71/B7031 junctions .
30 The judge in determining those issues held , inter alia , that under the terms of the mortgage deeds and other securities the defendants were entitled to a full indemnity against their costs , charges and expenses and the plaintiffs could not object to the items in the accounts on the ground that they were unreasonable except where the items referred to costs in the litigation subject to an order for taxation .
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