Example sentences of "important to [pron] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 It 's important to them because it proves where they are in life , they do n't want to stay like where their parents were , they want to prove .
2 ‘ Julie was a loving mother and we both wanted more children but her career was very , very important to her and it 's important to me that people know just what a clever woman she was . ’
3 Mr Copley took an occasional service at St Andrew 's when Mr Smollett , the vicar , was on holiday , an involvement in church and village life which , Meg suspected , was as important to him as it was to the church .
4 She had been tricking herself earlier into thinking that he did , that their friendship was nearly as important to him as it was to her , but seeing him in the garden with Marise tonight , and hearing about his marriage , unhappy though it had been , had made her realise that friendship was never as important as passion — at least , she was sure , not to a man .
5 My meal was obviously not as important to him as it was to me .
6 As her eyes widened he added , ‘ Perhaps now you can understand the reason why I bought it and why it is so important to me that it should succeed ? ’
7 As a producer ‘ Space Oddity ’ was very important to me as it was only my second or third record and I was looking forward to seeing David play it live .
8 Sight is so important to us that it dominates the way we perceive the sensory worlds of other animals , and even dictates the vocabulary available to describe those worlds .
9 Erm , we hope that you will come back soon , because for all the reasons I 've outlined it 's tremendously important to us and it 's nice to have a body of , a big large body of trade unions in the city in terms of our feelings as , as local trade unions as well .
10 You might think that E is so important to you that it 's ten , and that 's quite alright you can do that .
11 ‘ I know Thomas 's legal status is important to you and it is to me , ’ she said , in a rapid jump of track .
12 I hope you think that this is important more important to you as it were than it is , is to us because you the clubs and the sailing schools really really must take these sorts of messages on board , not perhaps all of that list there but I would pick out erm that the message that we want to get across to young people , I would pick out the words fun , the words challenging , the words safe , alright .
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