Example sentences of "every day and [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And erm but with a man coming in over the harvest , they were working hard and long hours every day and they demanded and they deserved a higher wage .
2 Elliot Bernerd of Chelsfield says : ‘ One of the psychological problems is people who work in the institutions and banks are in the City every day and they see these monster empty buildings such as MEPC 's Alban Gate .
3 This motif was used on the air every day and we rang all possible changes on the ‘ we 're being done in by the big bogey-man ’ theme , so much so that we had some of our faithful old lady listeners actually in tears .
4 McDonald 's serves almost a million people every day and we believe the only route to continued success is to stay in touch with our customers .
5 We moved in with them , although it meant I had a long journey to the hospital every day and I had to sleep there when I was on call , and we stayed with them until he was nine .
6 it just goes on , but I said to Sandra where they 've been parking all these cars , Alan over the road he comes out just after six o'clock and goes to London every day and I do n't know how he got his car out with the
7 ‘ I 'm in a successful show , I go out to work every day and I enjoy what I do .
8 During the war , when we were doing research on strong plastics , Professor Charles Gurney used to recite this little ditty to me nearly every day and I found it depressing because wood was in fact a better material for making aeroplanes than the plastics which we could then produce .
9 Eventually , I recover , and come to enjoy my mother and my old school friends , and the easy , sunny inertia of L.A. I swim every day and I love the blue sparkle of the pool , the glare of the sun and the sky on the water , and myself cleansed and pristine in the chlorinated wet of my morning routine , pre-smog , post-dope ; boys with blond moustaches saying , ‘ Have a good one ’ ; my baby blue Rent-a-car .
10 Well , the people were so impressed they , you could have heard a pin drop in that hall , and he really in our Welsh way he put it over proper you know and erm the Chairman made a quite a nice remark in the end he said , Now he said we must remember these two fellows here , I said , They are Welsh and they speak Welsh as their first language they do n't speak it for fancy they use it every day and he said I think they 've done exceedingly well er to come down here and give us the Because what happen I was sit in the front row and somebody asked me a question and he said , Perhaps er Dafydd there can answer .
11 You see your image in the mirror every day and you fall in love with it . ’
12 An and it 's what makes me so cross as I walk past that blinking school every day and you think my kid should be over there !
13 You have to use these methods because there are fifty cassettes coming in every day and you need yours to be picked out and heard with particular care .
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