Example sentences of "start [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When the brain starts signalling production of stress hormones it begins to inhibit sex hormone secretions . ’
2 He starts treating opponents with contempt but that 's what makes him so good , he makes class fighters look ordinary .
3 The report urges consumers to start demanding value for money , but music lovers are sceptical about what they can achieve .
4 We started accumulating works of art and people just assumed I was in the business .
5 When he left the pitch he started hurling abuse in French at the referee .
6 The council says units 10 and 13 , Leaside , on the estate started selling food without planning permission to do so .
7 As soon as they got home , Anne started getting Abigail to bed .
8 This packaging of living material into discrete vehicles became such a salient and dominant feature that , when biologists arrived on the scene and started asking questions about life , their questions were mostly about vehicles — individual organisms .
9 I decided when I was 11 and I started doing drama at school , when I came over from New Zealand , that I wanted to be an actress . ’
10 Married in the summer of 1938 to the Reverend Geza Wulwick , who had been brought up in Czechoslovakia , and who spoke fluent German , she and her husband settled in Middlesbrough and almost immediately started collecting money for refugee children .
11 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
12 ‘ They did n't have the time any more and we started stocking things like cook-in sauces .
13 ‘ I started reading books on astrology .
14 He was then able to start taking fluids by mouth in gradually increasing amounts .
15 But then in seventy nine we had a hit at home with Bunch of Time and that as far as we were concerned was the end of the road you know to be successful in Ireland and then late eighty one , early eighty two you know they started playing Bunch of Time over here and it became a top twenty hit for us and that you know changed the whole thing round about and got us from say the pubs in Ireland into the concert circuit in England which we 've been doing ever since .
16 After he was married , he even started making jokes at dinner parties about limp wrists and fairies .
17 Fu started smacking Pippa over Blue 's nose !
18 ‘ We were crap for ages , ’ confesses Lucy , ‘ but we hung on in there , gradually improved and started pestering people for support slots . ’
19 He looked so miserable I decided to cheer him up by inviting him to join our little game , and started throwing handfuls of water over him .
20 I really did find that we sunk to the pits when we started circulating recipes for cheesecake on er poll tax er payers money , that is absolutely ludicrous and we should n't be spending money on that .
21 When you look at Lincolnshire and they 've got a Chief Inspector as a force crime prevention officer and they 've got an inspector as a deputy force crime prevention officer , and their crime is a third of ours , or well less than a third of ours , y y you start getting things into perspective and I think they 're trying to put too much work onto a too over-worked task force already .
22 But the advantage of the er tax exempt bit is that with these you start getting interest on tax that you have n't payed , .
23 Some stores had started cutting prices before Christmas , but then it seemed customers were keeping their money in their pockets .
24 Even to play with a pick I would have to do the same thing , like Phil Lynott did , whereas to play with my fingers in a heavy metal kind of way , as I normally do , I have to have the bass quite low or else my wrist gets mangled up and I start having problems with tendonitis .
25 At about nine o'clock I start putting Mum to bed .
26 I decide to do the washing-up before I start putting Mum to bed .
27 I suggest that in future Councillors and concentrate on engaging their brains before they start putting pen to paper
28 Aborigines elsewhere have now started making claims for land , relying in part on the Mabo judgment .
29 The canteens will start serving meals by Easter , catering eventually for over 800 people .
30 ‘ If you 're not careful you 'll start developing lines of discontent long before you 're out of your youth . ’
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