Example sentences of "when we [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I did , for the first time in 1979 , when we spent a family fishing holiday in the Hebrides ; and we have been returning regularly ever since , constantly drawn back by the magic spell the Outer Hebrides cast over all who set foot upon her romantic shores .
2 But we 'll know exactly what she 's been up to when we get a look at her Jolly Roger . ’
3 So I think we may have to take this as part of the council meeting when we get a report back , cos obviously , there 's a degree of urgency in whatever we do about this , but I can suggest that we can do no more than report back to the next council meeting that we 've discussed this , and that it is in solicitor 's hands .
4 Forty , more than any other landmark birthday , seems to mark the moment when we make a reassessment of ourselves .
5 I had kept him waiting for over an hour , though he was n't too annoyed as he had been able to retrieve three brand new titanium ice screws and a rope , left , we presumed , after an incident the night before when we had a helicopter hovering above the face .
6 On our more active days , when we had a go at volleyball or windsurfing at the beach , we were always ready for the 4 o'clock ‘ after beach ’ party at the poolside where the animation team served coffee , cakes and liqueurs at special prices and hosted games and competitions .
7 The one remembered was the time when we had a display comparing ‘ steers ’ against ‘ bulls ’ and their relevant daily liveweight gains .
8 I was convinced that something had happened in our absence ; something had indeed happened — it had rained hard during the night and early morning — which was strange for that summer when we had a period of almost drought conditions .
9 The breakthrough came in 1980 , when we received a copy of a letter to Michael Heseltine from a former Labour minister who had been responsible for historic buildings under the previous government .
10 ‘ Of all the things I was taught at school , this sticks in my mind more that anything , ’ said Christine Cooper when she wrote to tell us of her reaction to an article in MKM. that was last spring when we published a newsletter from Christine Morey telling of her adventures in Romania .
11 Those were the only times when we used a bit of coal .
12 Then there was panic that he 'd be released today , when we have a life sentence to bare .
13 Nevertheless it seems to me that this is a time when we have a chance to examine the utility of A levels in their present form , a chance that may have been missed by the terms of reference of the Higginson Committee .
14 Pending the time when we have a balance of men and women in this Chamber — a matter on which I shall expound next Tuesday afternoon , when I hope that many of my colleagues will support the concept of more women in this House — does my right hon. Friend agree that public consciousness of the lack of female representation of women 's views in our national life is now very high ?
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