Example sentences of "when she had been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But from when she had been sixteen and had left the Dame School and stepped right into the home life above the shop , it had been borne into her that marriage was a humdrum affair : two people lived together , apparently happy , yet went their own ways , as shown by her parents ; they did n't think alike , yet they did n't argue ; they never laughed at the same things , nor did local or national events affect them in the same way .
2 She might well have stood too , but he was close by and she had a quick memory of when she had been close up against his body before .
3 ( g ) We do not know what the mother said to Miss T. , because she has not chosen to tell the court , but it appears to be the fact that on the two occasions when Miss T. raised the issue of blood transfusions , she did so suddenly and ‘ out of the blue ’ without any inquiry from hospital staff and immediately following occasions when she had been alone with her mother .
4 How often had this meant an edgy evening , when she had been unable to concentrate on what people were saying because of an ill-placed fabric rose or an over-embroidered antique shawl ?
5 Well , not quite , but she felt safer after the memory of other loves , other times when she had been happy .
6 There had been a time , a brief time , a glorious dawn , when despite her growing awareness of her own sexual failure , despite her anger and frustration , despite her own laziness and lack of commitment , there had been a time when she had been happy and hopeful and joyous .
7 Kate could smell Pears soap and the smell brought back memories of when she had been younger .
8 When , she thought , had there ever been a moment when she had been unsure that she disliked him ?
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