Example sentences of "when [pron] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's just like when someone pays for a park bench — they get a little plaque with their name on it , do n't they ? : - )
2 The first was when I came across a picture of a heavily armoured man jousting with a naked woman , like knights at a tournament .
3 My first real contact with the military was when I went on a familiarisation course to the Parachute Regiment depot at Aldershot when I was fourteen , and spent two days living in the mess , where I looked around the regiment , met serving officers and had some basic interviews with retired Colonels , who were in charge of selecting the future leaders of the toughest regiment in the Army outside of the Special Air Service .
4 And you know this time when I went on a plane and I looked down , I was n't saying it to Ben
5 It was when I went for a walk to our old camp .
6 Until recently when I went to a conference on security in libraries and other collections I had not the slightest knowledge of the seamy side of that world or any idea that it had one .
7 But I 'm you know that that could go this afternoon when I go to a couple of other appointments .
8 No but the trouble is when I go on a diet the first place I
9 But I really do n't mind when I think with a grin
10 To this day I frequently learn things from farmers , but that was one time when I learned from a postman .
11 It brought back sad memories of when I worked as a kennel maid .
12 But she turned up safe and well at dawn when she walked into a mobile police station just yards away .
13 Nicola was 18 when she vanished in a fogbound park near her home in Woodend , Coventry , on December 14 last year .
14 Her only outing since when she scored in a canter by five lengths at Haydock has proved that debut form all wrong and she is expected to win again in the Ballymacoll Stud Stakes .
15 Kimberley White suffered serious head injuries when she fell from an upstairs window at her house in Tewkesbury .
16 He sorted out the beautiful Natasha when she went through an emotional crisis .
17 She gave no outward signs of her problems when she went on a walkabout .
18 Jules had told her she was attractive , Félix found her so , and she would have had to be blind not to see the admiring glances of strangers when she went to a café or on a promenade with Jules .
19 Farrelly met Sinead when she advertised for a band in an Irish music paper .
20 One afternoon the following week , Mary was coming into the yard having been to hear the banns read for the last time , when she came upon a group of local women standing around gossiping about the wedding .
21 Four years later Clare and her latest fiancé were spending a weekend at Strathspeld when she died of a heart attack .
22 ‘ She was only twenty-three when she died from an overdose . ’
23 ZOOLOGIST Kristy Bird 's love affair with Africa resumes in a few weeks when she embarks on a special project to study the impact of poaching on Kenya 's elephant population .
24 Despite her depression she occupied herself with office tasks , and , although there were times when she dabbed at a tear , she reminded herself that she must prepare for the time when she would never see Silas again .
25 Candy Morris suffered horrific leg injuries when she slipped into a paper shredding machine .
26 The Kylie and Jason ‘ Are they or are n't they in love ? ’ riddle reached its most bewildering moment in September 1988 when she claimed in a woman 's magazine that …
27 She caught worldwide attention last year when she claimed in a defence of prostitution charges that she could only satisfy a sex addiction by selling herself to the long line of men .
28 In the 1940s , when she trained as a nurse in Johannesburg , she began a lasting friendship with Mr Mandela 's first wife , Evelyn .
29 And that 's when she bumped into a couple of famous faces .
30 PAMELA COUNTESS OF ONSLOW , who has died aged 76 , became a celebrity in 1973 when she emerged as a key figure in the ‘ Littlejohn Affair ’ — one of the more curious spy stories of recent years .
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