Example sentences of "rather [subord] [adv] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The deputy chairman of the UN Special Commission on Iraq , Robert Galucci , said in Bahrain on Jan. 14 that Iraq had for the first time admitted " pursuing a production-scale centrifuge enrichment programme rather than simply a research programme " , after UN inspectors confronted Iraqi officials with evidence supplied by Germany showing the involvement of German firms in this programme .
2 If so , it is necessary to adopt a therapeutic rather than simply a directive approach , and to pay particular attention to establishing such a relationship with the patient .
3 This advocated the idea of the conservation of coherent areas of townscape , rather than simply the preservation of individual buildings : from negative control to creative promotion .
4 Perhaps she had begun to realise that she had been the victim of an unhappy marriage , rather than simply the cause of one .
5 The foundation of this approach was a positive conception of liberty ; freedom as an actual capacity for doing or enjoying something rather than simply the absence of external constraint :
6 A useful review of the clers of the Old French fabliaux by Phillipe Ménard ( 1983 ) indicates that to be a clerk is a matter of attitude and behaviour rather than simply an occupation .
7 It 's not clear that new institutions are needed rather than simply an intensification of activities in the republics . ’
8 When this process becomes revolutionary upheaval is not always easy to identify and the decision as to whether it was a radical reinterpretation rather than simply an adjustment depends on the observer 's standpoint .
9 America , where there appear to be more grossly obese people than in Britain ( by which I mean those around double their desirable body weight , rather than just a couple of stones overweight ) , is an excellent place to observe this eating-speed phenomenon .
10 With some airlines , there is the facility ( for example the ‘ sleeperette ’ , to take a good sleep rather than just a nap ) .
11 This creates a network of all possible word sequences rather than just a tree of isolated words .
12 The later success of The Wedding Present was no surprise because Gedge 's belief in himself made it inevitable , rather than just a possibility .
13 If some correlation is found between variables , the researcher has to show that this is a causal relationship rather than just a coincidence .
14 Stanley William Hayter is broadly acknowledged as one of the most influential figures in twentieth-century printmaking , on three counts : his technical innovations , especially in intaglio colour printing ; the encouragement of artists from Miró to Pollock and beyond to treat printmaking as a means of original expression ( rather than just a way of reproducing images ) ; and a remarkable body of prints produced over six decades , which attest to his broad interests in mythology , the workings of the unconscious , and the new mathematics .
15 I had to show him I could be an international rather than just a squad player .
16 As we have said before , we like to think of ourselves as a preservation society , rather than just a rail interest society , valuable as such societies are .
17 I see the tree very much in the round and try to create depth rather than just a silhouette .
18 Yeah more to sort of statements of principles rather than just a policy so it lasts a bit .
19 It gives due weight to action research as a process rather than just a set of things to do .
20 It also manages to tie the Alps together as one whole , treating them as a range of mountains rather than just a list of routes .
21 There are already signs that DVI is being seen as a delivery medium in itself rather than just a process .
22 The possibility of travel is an obvious attraction , as is the added dimension of being a soldier rather than just a chef , as well as being part of a large professional organisation and the camaraderie that brings .
23 Yngwie then told me how he created the orchestra on ‘ Fire And Ice ’ : ‘ We had two violins , a viola , a cello and a contrabass and we overdubbed that quartet four times , so on record it sounds like a chamber orchestra rather than just a quartet .
24 Try as they might , the City 's denizens have never been as colourful and flamboyant as those who set out to make crime a career rather than just a sideline .
25 Does he agree that the law should be changed so that the police have a duty rather than just a power to act under section 39 ?
26 It is a shame that there are no photographs but each chapter begins with a Tom Price sketch and the text marks Sylvie out as a skilled travel writer rather than just a traveller who writes , a thoroughly good read .
27 a special kind of scanner which provides a means of reading printed characters on documents and converting them into digital codes that can be read into a computer as actual text rather than just a picture .
28 You may find it more pleasing and effective to range together a selection of complementary shapes , rather than just a hotchpotch of squares , circles , ovals and rectangles .
29 Erm , many of you will realize that East Devon have been requested er by the Government to prepare these area wide plans rather than just a town plan so they take in and encompass the whole of the area and there was quite a lengthy and substantial document with the , with all the different policy statements on I believe Councillor ?
30 This technique may be seen as an extension of the basic co-occurrence methods , as it includes the concept of matching using a group of semantic relatives ( rather than just the word itself ) and also matches according to specific syntactic relations .
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