Example sentences of "rather [conj] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Hodge had pursued policies from his arrival in Korea designed to strengthen the opposition to communism and to move away from rather than towards cooperation with the Soviet Union .
2 The existence of the process element means that evaluation is usually oriented towards detection of need for change rather than towards choice between temporally co-existing alternatives .
3 If discourses articulate concepts through a system or signs which signify by means or their relationship to each other rather than to entities in the world , and ir literature is a signifying practice , all it can reflect is the order inscribed in particular discourses , not the nature or the world .
4 It is useful to compare differences rather than to look for one shape in isolation .
5 It 's a more importantly to make sure it 's normal rather than to look for a problem with it but Now you 're not trying to escape , are you Jade ?
6 Recruitment adversiding advertising for example virtually ground to a halt as businesses started to shed er , people , rather than to look for them .
7 Consequently , weathering profiles are rarely in full equilibrium with environmental conditions ; in most cases the weathering mantle adjusts to long-term average conditions rather than to conditions at a specific time .
8 Accordingly , if anomalies appear in the results , this is attributed to defects in the experiment rather than to wilfulness on the part of the animals under investigation .
9 They also seek to become owners of policy initiatives rather than to act as transmitters for central political goals .
10 The coverage of industrial relations , merger consequences , redundancies , equal opportunity legislation , and so on is designed to make the reader aware of issues , and the implications of modern legislation , rather than to act as a manual of practice or standard work of reference .
11 The traditional bourgeois ethic , puritan or secular , had ascribed this to moral or spiritual feebleness rather than to lack of intellect , for it was evident that not much in the way of brains was needed for success in business , and conversely that mere brains did not guarantee wealth and still less ‘ sound ’ views .
12 The hon. Gentleman must answer this question : how can he argue that it is in patients ' interests to move away from a system of competitive tendering and use that money to pay trade union members rather than to pay for extra treatment for patients ?
13 To continue to applaud , rather than to call into question the already prevalent style of English teaching which makes space for pupil involvement with texts on a number of levels , and in a variety of ways
14 This is largely due to the increase in the numbers of those over pension age during this period , rather than to changes in the propensity to live separate lives .
15 This reflected the view that the uncertainties then facing financial markets were such that it would be better for the chips to be cashed in — thereby realising a useful profit — rather than to bank on better times in the ensuing two to three months .
16 Such relationships belong to problem novels , rather than to novels of action , to fiction where a place is not the scene in which action develops but a certain spot where characters place themselves in order to talk .
17 It is a wise precaution to meet new clients , rather than to deal with them over the telephone or by correspondence .
18 Though game theory has been criticised , we believe it can be helpful if used critically to explore the possible structure of conflicts , rather than to search for neat but probably illusory ‘ answers ’ .
19 Other investment — in patents and licences , for example — may be intended to deny ideas to rivals rather than to search for useful products .
20 Such a document , like a quality assurance statement , should be designed to clarify processes and responsibilities rather than to encumber with over-elaboration .
21 He concludes that high relief was essentially a response to high food prices rather than to perception of a chronic employment problem .
22 The citation order now gives precedence to processes , such as circulation control and cataloguing , rather than to types of libraries .
23 ‘ A number of changes have been made to reduce practices that cause irritating stoppages rather than to speed up the game .
24 Policy is not consistent at different stages of education ; there is , for example , no clearly defined national policy for pre-school education ( widely recognised as being the most crucial stage for deaf children ) , and further and adult continuing education appear to be viewed in terms of direct provision of training and qualifications ( Department of Education and Science , 1991 ) rather than as routes into training and qualifications from the policy perspective .
25 Incongruities and idiosyncrasies were seen as strengths not as weaknesses , as indicators of a capacity for quiet change rather than as evidence of a tendency towards obfuscation .
26 Thus both knowledge and the learner are viewed as discrete entities which happen to be in one or another state of being , rather than as sets of dynamic and unstable processes .
27 If proven that it constitutes Treasure Trove ( i.e. it was buried with the intention of later removal , rather than as part of a funerary burial ) , it is most likely to be retained by the Crown for the British Museum and the finder paid a sum equal to the market value of what is retained .
28 In public law , on the other hand , rules of standing are seen as rules about entitlement to complain of a wrong rather than as part of the definition of the wrong .
29 There was , however , overlap between the Stanley connection and the royal household , which confirms that the Stanleys were seen as part of the royal affinity rather than as part of Gloucester 's .
30 ‘ DBS was planned in terms of an economic competition with other European or American projects rather than as part of a communications policy : the problem was approached with a concern with the conduits not with the programmes , with the technologies involved , not with the services .
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