Example sentences of "rather [adj] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rather strange circumstances for a meeting . ’
2 No thank you ’ came the rather strange reply from the dark .
3 But agile he is n't ; witness this rather half-hearted attempt at the long jump .
4 A lot of the argument among the authorities on these animals is about the equivalence or otherwise of certain bones in dinosaurs and bird skeletons ( and particularly the Jurassic bird Archaeopteryx ) ; this makes for rather dry reading for the layman .
5 To date , however , there has been rather little evidence on the means of transmission of difficulties .
6 In our discussion so far we have concentrated particularly on the physical context in which single utterances are embedded and we have paid rather little attention to the previous discourse co-ordinate .
7 Keynes 's refutation of this theory as a description of labour market behaviour in a money using economy , and this formulation of a theory of labour market adjustment which was more appropriate to such an economy , have been glossed over by Friedman and his followers as if they were nothing more than minor , rather idiosyncratic footnotes in the history of economic ideas .
8 Some might think this a rather idiosyncratic approach to a primarily theoretical topic , but it seems appropriate to this book .
9 And I have rather strong feelings about the headmaster . ’
10 ‘ Soul On Ice ’ is a self-styled disco record , which is fine by me ; unfortunately it is also a rather monotonous record with a plodding beat that owes little to the glories of mad '70s dance music .
11 Hence the belated and misguided call from Kenneth Baker for longer school days — again betraying a rather narrow view of the use of time — which has been one of the unremarked and growing features of secondary curriculum development of the last twenty years .
12 Some of these theories concern a rather narrow aspect of the use of the mental lexicon ; others are broad in scope , and attempt to say at least something about all the linguistic activities which depend upon using the mental lexicon .
13 It is rather sad that due to the subsequent rather narrow defeat of the motion that we find that such a large complement of Northern Labour MPs absented themselves from such a vital environmental vote due to prior engagements and by doing so thus failed to support their Labour colleague Kevin McNamara , the sponsor of the Bill , and failed to contribute to ending once and forever this sickening , depraved social pastime .
14 By that time , Freud certainly had moved on a bit , from the earlier , perhaps rather narrow concentration on the repression and he was moving into the second er era of psycho psychoanalysis when there was an emphasis more on the total personality on the ego and its mechanisms of defence , to quote a title of a famous book by , and I think this is more the kind of thing that Freud is doing in this book , where you , you see not just the repressions in the unconscious , but the whole personality , and you understand it , in terms of its various defensive erm , structures , and the way which it carried out its repression .
15 The Moon 's angular diameter , as seen from the Earth , is comparable to that of the Sun , and therefore in many solar eclipses , from a rather narrow region across the Earth 's surface , the Sun will be totally covered by the Moon .
16 Doubt was cast on Cameron 's results partly by the lack of control data he offered , and , later , after his death , his reputation for scientific integrity was irretrievably damaged by the revelation that much of his experimental work had for a long time been secretly supported by the CIA , including some rather insidious studies of the effects of covertly administered LSD on the behaviour of unsuspecting people .
17 If I can turn to the balance sheet , it 's a little more complicated , we 're in a rather odd position at the thirtieth of June of incorporating the Thames er , balance sheet because our offer went unconditional .
18 It might therefore seem a rather odd choice as a label , but Wimsatt and Brooks 's reason for using it is that they view these analogical or metaphorical relationships as producing effects essentially similar to those for which the word irony is more commonly used , and which they also see as an important part of poetry .
19 The rather odd character of the formula called for considerable ingenuity in the enterprise .
20 I would of thought so Mr yes , yes , erm , alright well Mr Mr erm this is a rather odd exercise in a way and as you know my first thoughts were they were better to leave it to see what , how the , how the judgment came out of it , but erm , erm , I do regard the matter as er , as a , as a whole as of very considerable importance both to both sides of this case and erm , it did seem to me on considering it , er , from recovering from the dentist that er , an , an outline of erm
21 He sat quite still , looking like a rather odd god in a shrine or a waxwork in a box .
22 ( He does admit however that these remains were — in historical times at least — linked to patrilineal groups ; rather odd inheritors of the principles of the matrilineal gens . )
23 ‘ I also gather , ’ continued the Dean , glancing this time at Wheeler , ‘ that Gray may have known that rather odd set-up on the wherry where your man Caretaker lives . ’
24 The following list is a rather terse summary of the meaning of the various operators and special symbols used by BBCBASIC(Z80) .
25 He took a rather wrong-headed view of the history of the development of competition in these industries , although he will not be surprised to learn that I agree with his criticisms of the Labour amendment .
26 Then London and its accompaniment of business life , both in Architectural Metalwork as draughtsman , my occasional visits to the Central School of Arts and Crafts , Southampton Row , rather awful hours in an antique class — a rotten system , antique before life .
27 He dealt a nearby Tree a rather contemptuous blow with the flat of his hand and Floy saw the Tree trunk quiver under the impact .
28 Most Tory propagandists continued to hold a rather contemptuous view of the populace .
29 Thus the regional assistance provided by the EC could be viewed as a rather weak attack upon a problem which the EC had itself exacerbated .
30 She liked going for slow , rather stately walks in the summer evenings when the shop was closed and the children in bed , and I usually escorted her .
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