Example sentences of "fact that i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the light of the facts that I have set out , his conclusion that the Home Office decision is ’ ill-conceived ’ is a masterpiece of restrained understatement .
2 I suppose the fact that I 'd made it at the age of 14 was important because it meant I would go a long way in athletics .
3 You see , I 'd mentioned the fact that I 'd seen this chap several mornings hanging about in the Cove , so I decided not to take Miss Celia down there for a bit , even though we were having a real Indian summer that year .
4 Besides , despite the fact that I 'd got a good grade for my speech , I thought I 'd made a bit of a mess of it and was just relieved it was all over .
5 It was a gradual thing , assisted by the fact that I went training on Sunday mornings .
6 The very existence of the flood — the fact that I had invited it into my awareness — showed that I had emotional ‘ work ’ to do .
7 Benjamin , however , squeezed me by the wrist and I followed him , taking some consolation in the fact that I had hidden two knives , three spoons and a small silver plate used for sweetmeats inside my jerkin .
8 The fact that I had adopted an alternative approach via traditional Chinese medicine was brushed aside as irrelevant .
9 Having felt pain , I knew I was not dreaming , and I wondered if I had gone mad , though the fact that I had hallucinated , and had shown myself to have such a naive view of God , would be sufficient proof for some .
10 However , despite the fact that I had to pay for the survey , the society will not allow me to have a copy of the report .
11 I was not in the least keen , but when it became clear to me that my intervention would be frowned upon only slightly by my television clients , added to the fact that I had established good relations with George Elvin , the ACTT 's general secretary , it seemed to me that there might be some sense in intervening .
12 It was jealousy , I suppose ; the fact that I had spotted a chance they had not , although I could n't get over the suspicion that their reaction to me had something to do with how Liza had told the story .
13 The fact that I had failed to find any companions did n't help my cause very much .
14 My conviction on this count was based on the fact that I had researched this area very well and knew that there was nothing on record .
15 One of the biggest challenges was the fact that I had to work quite direct , once the colour was put on it was incredibly difficult to lift off completely and so I could afford to make very few mistakes .
16 My clever chat would avail me nothing in the face of the fact that I had chosen to ally myself with a woman who practically peed her pants at some salesman 's blue jokes .
17 ‘ The fact that I 've achieved relative success at this club does n't help me now , and I do n't think it should be taken into account either .
18 The fact that I 've seen no film for some time that is more sexually honest is actually beside the point .
19 ‘ Over the fact that I 've lost her , ’ Estabrook said .
20 ‘ She hates the fact that I 've lost nothing and she 's lost everything . ’
21 I feel that we need now new blood on the committee , and coupled with the fact that I 've done one one more year than the constitution says I should , I 'm not standing for reelection as Chairman .
22 She said I 'll give you some petrol money , I said I 'm not bothered about petrol money , I said it 's the fact that I 've got ta come round to pick you up , I said I 'm not a taxi !
23 besides the fact that I 've got a headache .
24 You 're probably quite prepared to stomach the fact that I 've slept with girls before you , you 'd think it odd if I had n't , but if you ca n't see that a baby makes a difference to how much other affairs matter , I ca n't explain it to you . "
25 ‘ And , while I appreciate your charitable intent in trying to comfort me for Lotta 's absence from my bed , I tell you once more that the time when I might have needed consolation for Lotta 's tricks has long since passed , and the fact that I 've chosen to live the life of a monk for the past six months is because until the past few days I have felt no desire to give in to the temptations paraded before me . ’
26 He shrugged , then muttered , ‘ Only the fact that I 've known women to break their word . ’
27 And you 'd also better take into account the fact that I want to get on with some work while I 'm here .
28 The fact that I tried to get away from you — presented you with an unaccustomed challenge ? ’
29 I was n't sure whether she was referring to regional unemployment figures or the fact that I claimed to have actually worked for once .
30 It 's a Les Paul-type guitar and it 's great , apart from the fact that I seem to get terrible feedback , even at low volumes .
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