Example sentences of "fact that [pron] [vb -s] a " in BNC.

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1 The fact that one has a clear conscience is not always a sign of right responses to the trials and temptations of life so much as an appropriate response to sin and guilt .
2 Well I felt that although , obviously , computers do do arithmetic and they do it very quickly , to me probably the more important aspects are the fact that one has a visual display on the computer screen which can convey information without numbers in a more rapid way to most people .
3 The fact that everyone has a copy means that a delay in a project , due to neglecting a provision , is known to all and the project leader responsible is very exposed .
4 And he was helped by the fact that he bears a slight resemblance to the blond singer in Abba , too .
5 Former owner David Stoddart , who also bred Party Politics , decided to sell the gelding — a move largely influenced by the fact that he retains a five-year-old half-brother , who is the last from the family .
6 What do you think that this says about John Major , the fact that he wants a victory parade ?
7 The prospect of equalling Gary Player 's record of five victories , and the fact that he has a bye into the second round on Friday , has enticed Ballesteros to make his 14th successive appearance in the World Matchplay .
8 A Frenchman [ may believe that ] ‘ potatoes ’ is English for apples … ; from the fact that he has a mistaken belief about ‘ potatoes ’ and ‘ apples ’ it does not follow that he has a mistaken belief about potatoes and apples .
9 A patient 's attention should be drawn to the fact that he has a right to complain and we have taken steps to do so .
10 The simple fact that he has a family at all , is a married man with adult status , is a guarantee of some element of responsibility .
11 It will be observed that this definition , though it lays considerable and perhaps disproportionate stress on the contractual nature of the shareholder 's rights , also emphasises the fact that he has an interest in the company .
12 Goody points out that the written form of language releases us from the linear experiential mode : ‘ the fact that it takes a visual form means that one can escape from the problem of the succession of events in time , by backtracking , skipping , looking to see who-done-it before we know what it is they did .
13 On the one hand there is the ‘ will theory ’ , which regards the distinctive feature of a right as lying in the fact that it offers a ‘ legally protected choice ’ ( Hart , 1973 ) , giving the right-holder the power to exact compliance , or not .
14 Apart from the fact that it lacks a coat of fur , it is a perfectly normal cat , with a charming disposition .
15 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
16 While the firm would not be compelled to disclose or utilise the information about B when advising A , the fact that it owes a duty of confidentiality to B will not necessarily constitute a defence to a breach of its duty of disclosure to A. If the firm is to be fully protected it must obtain A2 's consent to its acting in the conflict situation after informing him of its conflicting duties and the fact that it can not perform its full duties of disclosure .
17 And a wet carpet still does the job it was meant for , which also includes the fact that it provides a soft base on which to unhook fish , preventing to a great extent the removal of mucous and damage to scales and fins .
18 Simply by the virtue of the fact that it provides a varied selection of business case studies with video , Business Assignments is a remarkable set of materials .
19 Sugar is positively detrimental to bodybuilding due to the fact that it causes a rise in insulin levels .
20 In my view it is clear that the party is very much in search of a leader , very anxious , if it is to make an adequate showing at the next general election , over the fact that it needs a symbol of more meaning to the mass electorate than Mr Attlee .
21 There are some significant differences however : the Tate magazine will be published by the architectural monograph publishers and publishers of Blueprint , Wordsearch , who will make the financial commitment to the project , aiming to sell a steep 25,000 copies each issue including the copies sent to the 8,000 Friends of the Tate and those bought in by the gallery ; the Royal Academy Magazine is published ‘ in-house ’ and supports itself through its advertising revenue , capitalising on the fact that it has a guaranteed audience of 67,000 Friends .
22 As for multi-processing , Bull says it has recently woken up to the fact that it has a lead over most of its competitors — the Motorola-based DPX/2 line has supported symmetrical multi-processing with up to four processors for years , and now claims to have cornered a leading 20% share of the symmetrical multi-processing market .
23 It also dates 1st century and could have been intended as either a key or a knife handle ( although the fact that it has a circular socket favours its use as a key handle ) .
24 It is not only the length of time that someone has been unemployed that is important , but also the fact that it affects a person 's lifetime income .
25 Its attraction would seem to lie in the fact that it gives a formalized account of some of the popularly held impressions concerning the character of science , its explanatory and predictive power , its objectivity and its superior reliability compared with other forms of knowledge .
26 The fact that it gives a different result from the ones that North Yorkshire have used , certainly they 've used the neight eight nineteen eighty nine based fertility , mortality , infant mortality rates .
27 There have been remarkable achievements here which must not be blurred by the fact that there remains a long way to go ’ .
28 Inappropriateness is diagnosed by the fact that there exists a cognitive synonym of the selector for which the selectee is a philonym .
29 That his departure can be dated as late as the reign of Mehmed I Uzuncarsili 's alternative suggestion is , however , rendered unlikely by the fact that there exists a dated Rajab 808/December 1405-January 1406 which carries the signature of Ibrahim b .
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