Example sentences of "fact that [noun prp] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of the healing miracles for most Christians today is not simply the fact that Jesus performed them .
2 A customer capable of signing a cheque for £100,000 is unlikely to balk at the extra £10,000 or so , and Aston 's aberrant mid-'80s profitability was due in no small part to the fact that Gauntlett made his car more expensive , in real terms , than it has ever been .
3 Gazza said : ‘ Some of what he did might have been wrong but I respect the fact that Maradona made himself the player Napoli could n't do without when he was in Italy .
4 The fact that DEC plucked him out of its largest and most profitable systems businesses and split that down the middle so he could run the NT operation is proof that DEC expects significant results out of NT .
5 Jean , we 'll go down to where 's the fifty P shop or something and buy some of those do , er cornflakes ' plates or something , say they 're gon na fill those other ones up that the man give us a mere seven , eight ones , only leaves us four ordinary , you see I know for a fact that Sally say he was caught
6 Far more pertinent was the fact that Mendoros thought he could see a gap in a market about which he knew a great deal , and which he reckoned could best be filled from the UK .
7 The rivalry over Walter , and the fact that Viola took him from Hilda some time during the war or just after ? ’
8 Sun says it is ‘ not doing anything with VLIW , but the fact that Bell says it is , is great .
9 The fact that Nikon overreached himself was clearly exposed when Tsar Alexis forced him to withdraw from public affairs and subsequently had him deposed and replaced by a more pliant successor .
10 Besides the fact that Mittwoch scuttles her own argument by citing examples such as No newspaper would dare publish his denial where " dare shows modal characteristics precisely in governing the bare infinitive … , yet it is governed by another modal " ( p. 128 ) , and the fact that treating to as a modal auxiliary is in itself highly implausible , this analysis simply begs the question of whether there is a semantic motivation behind the absence of to here .
11 The Greek word for this is koinonia and the fact that God reveals his being as persons-in-relation , the Trinity , tells us something about the relational nature of personhood .
12 Moreover , the truth that matters is not what we feel , but the fact that God loves us whatever we feel , and his energies are always tending towards our health and well-being . ’
13 However , he seems to have overlooked the fact that Ferrari gave him two race wins last year and that the Scuderia 's tally of six victories this year is four more than Williams was able to score .
14 They were fortunately innocent of the fact that Monet charged them some 60 per cent more than he charged his fellow countrymen .
15 The fact that Murphy considers himself first and foremost a businessman who happens to be in PR helps to explain the care with which the decision to sell PRCS was taken .
16 The fact that TM has its direct roots in the Vedic Scriptures — the basis of Hinduism — is also brushed aside as irrelevant .
17 In a fast-moving twentieth century world , the fact that Boston guards its colonial ties and sense of tradition with pride is not out of place in this restored pocket of the past .
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