Example sentences of "fact [that] he [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that he seemed a little simple did not escape their notice but they felt such affection for him that no one ever teased him .
2 ‘ The fact that he took the 100m individual , when I could n't attempt the hat-trick because I failed to qualify for the event at the US trials through illness , is bound to increase interest when we get it together .
3 Despite the occasional brush with the law ( ‘ obstructing the police ’ in Vienna ) , Mr Rossi seems to have led a laudatory ( for a man of his calling ) existence — save for the fact that he bears no little responsibility in influencing the progeny of working people to attire themselves in tent material .
4 And he was helped by the fact that he bears a slight resemblance to the blond singer in Abba , too .
5 In a letter for publication , Williamson had drawn attention to the fact that he drove a Jaguar and was for some time after known to the Gadfly column as ‘ Jaguar Man . ’
6 Moore 's terminology is complicated by the fact that he allows the possibility of properties which are not natural , without being non-natural in the special sense in which value properties are .
7 Callinicos , defence of Marxism is erudite and compelling , and the fact that he runs out of steam over post-war art is of less moment than the fact that he takes the range of issues seriously enough to discuss them at all .
8 Former owner David Stoddart , who also bred Party Politics , decided to sell the gelding — a move largely influenced by the fact that he retains a five-year-old half-brother , who is the last from the family .
9 Saturday lunchtime was the only time Selwyn visited the pub , owing to the fact that he kept a fifteen gallon cask of cider in his garden shed .
10 The contempt which Anderson seems to have for McKendrick in scene sixteen ( which , as we shall see later , is also suggested by the level of politeness he uses ) is strongly marked by the fact that he allocates no turns to him at all .
11 By April he had recovered sufficiently to travel to America once more , to see his sisters ; this visit is perhaps most remarkable for the fact that he addressed the largest assembly ever gathered to attend a literary lecture ( he also received what was then the largest fee for such an event , some two thousand dollars ) .
12 The fact that he forbade an official biography — as early as 1925 , he had decided that he did not want one — has suggested to many people that such a biography would necessarily be of a scandalous nature .
13 Althusser 's historical interest derives from the fact that he represents the only orthodox Marxist theorist who has tried to get out of Hegel while remaining a Marxist — though for many Marxists he did sacrifice Marxism in the process , which only suggests how closely Marxism and Hegelianism are intertwined .
14 He left unspoken the fact that he hoped the friendship between himself and Diana could be renewed and developed upon his return .
15 In general , de Gaulle 's rapport with Allied publics was remarkably good , especially in view of the fact that he had no prior experience of either country , spoke at best a halting English , and had to overcome systematic attempts by the governments to influence press coverage against him .
16 The fact that he had no licence for this particular gun was , she said , an oversight .
17 In the end , he told me , he got quite good at it and reckoned that this form of involuntary pitch training was responsible for the fact that he had a good musical ear now .
18 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
19 His ideas on economic policy , as on other matters , may have been overly simplistic or even fundamentally erroneous , but the fact that he had a vision of the America he wished to bring about was a strength he possessed , one that many other presidents and presidential candidates have lacked .
20 The fact that he had a lower sex drive than she did was n't considered unreasonable behaviour .
21 I found a friend from Fulham Church , a qualified Chemist who had been allowed to keep his shop because of its value to the community , and the fact that he had an invalid wife .
22 Adam had only heard one other make these sounds and when he first heard Anne make them his memory escape failed and those two nights were startlingly evoked , so disturbingly in fact that he had the terrible delusion that Anne was doing it to mock him .
23 The man 's global standing was summed up by the fact that he had the whole of Cardiff Arms Park standing for an ovation that tingled your spine .
24 Much more likely he boasted about the fact that he had the top man working for him . ’
25 The fact that he wore a hat with a daffodil in it helped in this respect , he felt .
26 After the passage quoted just above concerning the esteem in which Molla Fenari was held and his place in the state , and before passing on to the next event in his life , namely his going on the pilgrimage in 822 ( 8 Dhu " l-Hijja = 26 December 1419 ) , Ibn Hajar writes that Molla Fenari became widely known for his erudition and that he was both pious and abundant in culture and merit " except that he was censured for [ espousing ] the sect of Ibn al- " Arabi and for the fact that he taught the and affirmed it " : he goes on to say that Molla Fenari , on the advice of friends , abjured mention of the subject in Egypt .
27 What struck me more forcibly than his physical courage was the fact that he made no reference to his own illness but only to the trips and plans to make life better for others .
28 Mungo was disappointed , despite the fact that he knew the question was reasonable .
29 The plaintiff went for a ride in a private plane piloted by the defendant , despite the fact that he knew the defendant was drunk .
30 The fact that he felt no temptation to do so with Berowne interested him .
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