Example sentences of "fact [that] [pron] [vb base] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The facts that they do fearful things to themselves and to others regardless of consequence and that they are unaware of the connection between cause and consequence are the essential psycho-pathological nature of addictive disease and denial .
2 ‘ I 'm not taking off the table the fact that we keep this constantly under review , ’ he declares , ‘ and when this redraft comes up then we 're going to look at it very carefully . ’
3 In other words , the fact that we get most of our true beliefs from other people , whom we believe are better placed than we are to get them for themselves , is just a special case of the division of labour : namely , of epistemic labour , the labour of acquiring knowledge .
4 The saving in officer time , shop steward time , and the fact that we fight one another for the same people to join our organization , would be savings great indeed .
5 The fact that we find fewer performance errors after scene six , coupled with a lesser tendency to talk at length , suggests that he has been shocked out of his absent-mindedness and emerges , at least for the rest of the play 's duration , as a more direct speaker .
6 The fact that we give each other little clues , invitations and propositions , gives a transparency to our motives , but it also builds excitement and suspense about the actual unveiling of each coming together .
7 ‘ The fact that we have all along tried to ensure that we could resolve these sensitive issues as soon as possible is n't a political tactic , ’ he said on a visit to the New Territories .
8 These powers are due to the fact that we have two ears , separated by about 20 centimetres of acoustically dead grey matter .
9 The first complication is the fact that we have such a strong compulsion to celebrate the relationship before it is completely established .
10 I think this year it is interesting that , despite the fact that we have that major concern of the catchment area , we have stuck to our guns on the curriculum talks .
11 Perhaps we were selected by some mysterious computer which recorded the fact that we have each served a 17-year sentence — mine on the Back Benches , his in the Cabinet .
12 The very fact that we have these details is significant .
13 We have a shield under the which prevents the prosecution in a normal case from bringing to the attention of the court the fact that we have previous convictions .
14 His starting point is the fact that we have three classes of receptors in our eyes , each tuned to respond to a different wavelength of light , one to ‘ red ’ , one to ‘ green ’ , and one to ‘ blue ’ .
15 ‘ People are fed up hearing about our injuries , but you ca n't run away from the fact that we have 28 professionals , and half of those ca n't be considered .
16 The massive popularity of our parties is partly due to the fact that we offer all-night dancing , this proves the need for a facility to obtain all-night licences for one-off events .
17 Sir : Tony Colston-Hayter of World Wide Productions ( letter , October 11 ) , in defending ‘ dance music warehouse parties ’ and welcoming the licensing of such parties , suggests that ‘ so-called ‘ acid parties ’ ' are a ‘ sensationalist fantasy of the gutter press ’ , and that their massive popularity is ‘ partly due to the fact that we offer all-night dancing ’ .
18 To say that there is an instinct of ‘ hunger ’ , and that the evidence for its existence is the fact that we feel hungry from time to time , is not to explain anything .
19 In this study we found a good agreement between the two tests , particularly considering the fact that they measure two different variables — namely , bile acid losses and bile acid synthesis .
20 Student Language Use : As many bilingual students in FE appear to be fluent users of English and speak in local accents it is important to alert participants to the fact that they use two or more languages regularly and operate in two cultures in their daily lives .
21 Selectors may generally be identified by the fact that they presuppose one or more semantic traits of their selectees .
22 The fact that they show little grief does not mean they are unmoved , but they may have been less inclined than are many women to see their relationship with their partner as the fulcrum of their lives .
23 If you say that children are completely non-rational then you have to account for the fact that they become rational , and to do that it appears from these examples that you have to assume that they already are .
24 That does n't affect the fact that they contain some wonderfully joyous music , especially in the First , the one on this CD .
25 The fact that they resemble one another does not prove that they have a common referent , however .
26 The bourgeoisie derive their class position from the fact that they own productive wealth .
27 However , on our continent , on the doorstep of the most civilised part of the world , we are watching human beings killing each other for no other reason than the fact that they live next door to each other .
28 on more than one occasion … senior ranking officers have made no bones about the fact that they attribute many of the problems of contemporary police work to the pernicious influence of the media and sociology !
29 There is nothing wrong with massive increases in public expenditure , provided that the Opposition are open about the fact that they plan massive increases in taxation to finance them .
30 The fact that they carry large stocks and are generally located in prestigious and expensive locations means that overheads are high and these must be passed on to the customer .
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