Example sentences of "fact [that] [pers pn] was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Plus the fact that he was throwing his weight around with the police seemed to say Whitehall and no small potatoes , so we started with that .
2 He waited until he had collected a large number of observations of the fact that he was fed at 9 a.m. , and he made these observations under a wide variety of circumstances , on Wednesdays and Thursdays , on warm days and cold days , on rainy days and dry days .
3 Things were helped by the fact that he was moving home again — this time to a flat in Farley Court over Baker Street station , close to the London Planetarium near Baker Street .
4 Does not President Christiani of El Salvador deserve widespread support , bearing in mind the fact that he was elected by the people of that country and that he has to cope with the violence of unruly military officers and also the murderous activities of the Farabundi Marti Front for the Liberation of the Nation ?
5 Erm that in fact one of the odd points here is that when a person is convicted , that information is public , but nevertheless as the years go by and indeed er this has been recognized in for instance the rehabilitation of offenders act , it becomes private information and if someone 's looking for a job the fact that he was convicted of an offence many years ago should not be er er relevant .
6 I want to see how long he 'll go on denying the fact that he was listening in , she told herself to justify her inability to leave .
7 ‘ The fact that he was stabbed in the back by a child really hurt us . ’
8 He said the fact that he was leaving at the age of sixty should have no bearing on the choice of his successor .
9 An expert who does not ensure that the question of fees and expenses is determined in advance might , if the question were subsequently disputed , have to sue both to establish the fact that he was owed money ( either as a matter of contract or quantum meruit ) and to justify the amount .
10 The fact that he was kissing her , holding her in his arms , did n't mean her feelings were reciprocated .
11 Despite the fact that he was born in the Auvergne in 539 , Gregory was still unable to provide an accurate account of what took place in Clermont in the 520s and 530s ; moreover he was thoroughly confused by the whole career of Quintianus , even though the latter 's successor as bishop was Gregory 's uncle and mentor , Gallus .
12 Deloittes had been negligent when certifying AWA 's 1986 profits and it had also failed to adequately disclose to directors various matters including books and record deficiences , the existence of ‘ hedges upon hedges ’ , the ability of its foreign exchange dealer Andrew Koval to siphon funds , and the fact that he was dealing in sums of up to $400m .
13 So , are you saying that Johnson , despite the fact that he was dealing with human types , human beings , was actually more realistic in terms of how the world as a whole works in that , bad people do get away with things if they 're good enough ?
14 The defendant accepted as a fact that he was holding the revolver when the fatal shot was discharged , but the case for the defence was that the revolver went off accidentally in the course of a struggle during which the defendant forcibly placed Paulette in the driver 's seat .
15 He was unusually well rewarded and this , coupled with the fact that he was employed to seize rebel lands , strongly suggests that he had been associated with Richard before 1483 .
16 He was unusually well rewarded and this , coupled with the fact that he was employed to seize rebel lands , strongly suggests that he had been associated with Richard before 1483 .
17 Apart from the fact that he was wearing a suit of thick brown tweed on what was a warm day in early summer , the man walking along an elegant street in Kensington was unremarkable .
18 The plaintiff , a fireman , went into the roof space to tackle the fire and sustained serious injuries caused by steam generated by water poured onto the fire , notwithstanding the fact that he was wearing standard protective clothing .
19 She had forgotten that he was off duty until her vision cleared sufficiently for her to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark suit , the jacket unfastened to reveal a white shirt .
20 ‘ That 's enough of that , ’ Ross told them firmly as he threw aside the sheets , revealing the fact that he was wearing a pair of boxer shorts .
21 With his dark good looks , Luke Calder was a devastatingly attractive man , but right at that moment Fran was more concerned by the fact that he was watching her as though he would like to take her by her slender neck and shake her !
22 The judge 's failure to apply the correct test in this respect was compounded by the fact that he was deprived of the material which was necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion because of his failure to require that the mother be notified of the foster mother 's application for leave under rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 .
23 Ben had been made a Companion of Honour in the Coronation Honours List and the very fact that he was writing an opera for the Coronation created jealousy in some quarters .
24 I think my first encounter with Carvin amplifiers was around 1983 , when one of their adverts featured a very young and fresh-faced Steve Vai , announcing the fact that he was using Carvin X100B amps in Frank Zappa 's band and was , basically , chuffed to bits with them .
25 The special relationship Finniston forged between top management and the work-force at British Steel is epitomised by the fact that he was given farewell parties by each of the seven major steelworks when he came to leave the corporation at the end of ten years .
26 One thing he had confirmed , though , was the fact that he was living at Brooklands , his mother 's home , so Nina had been quite right in that respect , but it still left Rachel wondering why .
27 There came a day shortly afterwards when I could no longer ignore the fact that he was losing his mind .
28 His hair was cut close into a fringe , to-make the best of the fact that he was losing it .
29 There were no words in the experience , but he became aware of the fact that he was keeping something at bay ; or another way of looking at it would be that he was wearing some rigid outer clothing , like corsets or a suit of armour .
30 She spotted the suspect in an alley between Egerton Road and Portman Road and , with typical courage , tackled him as he fled , taking no account of the fact that he was armed with a screwdriver and a knife .
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