Example sentences of "before going on to the " in BNC.

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1 Make it a rule always to check with the scorekeeper before going on to the area .
2 She was visiting her mother before going on to the hospital to feed the baby .
3 A land-based board mounted on a turntable device which is used to teach the basics before going on to the water .
4 Omit each food or set of foods for about two weeks before going on to the next set .
5 That evening the Parsons were meeting friends for an early meal before going on to the opera .
6 Before going on to the general question of crack propagation and control , it is worth considering some of the special effects of a dynamically applied load such as a blow .
7 The first two weeks of the course were spent in the classroom on the groundschool phase and then it was into the flying phase with a daylight jet refresher on the Meteors for the pilots before going on to the B.2s .
8 Before going on to the second reason for Locke 's not acknowledging the existence of epistemic appearances I must correct a false impression I may have given , that all the seventeenth-century philosophers who succeeded Descartes toed the Cartesian line about the mind perceiving things by being causally affected by them .
9 Before going on to the detailed issues , let me begin by discussing some general aspects of what we mean by a crossroads and by the international position of an economy .
10 The usual practice , therefore , is to take each question individually and mark that one question on every script before going on to the next question .
11 It was an American teaching method that , Frank insisted , allowed students to progress through the stages of education confident that they had grasped all the basics of one stage before going on to the next .
12 After about a dozen movements have been learned , they are strung together in a kata sequence and practised over and over again before going on to the next set of kata movements .
13 On Monday evening booksellers can meet author Nigel Williams ( Faber ) , and afterwards any delegate not otherwise engaged is invited to join BA president John Hitchin for a conference first , a President 's Personal Spring Supper at Cockington Court , before going on to the David & Charles Disco .
14 Nobles attending the court were ordered to go first to the apartments of Dara Shukoh and there make their morning obeisance before going on to the Diwan-i-khas to greet Shah Jehan .
15 Thus , when he explained his view of the campaign , and of the war as whole , to Cantalupo on 4 April , he claimed that he was waging war slowly , in order to avoid unnecessary destruction and to consolidate the " liberation " ( which , he said , was not the same as the mere " conquest " ) of one area before going on to the next .
16 Individuals will approach a Lect/Dem. differently and the details will vary , but in the main it is more practical to take a piece of apparatus and say all you want to about its use before going on to the next piece .
17 Breadth-first search extends all the paths at one level of the search tree ( the siblings ) before going on to the next level ( the descendants ) .
18 It should perhaps be pointed out before going on to the next set of examples to be discussed that most of the uses found with have admit of only one of the two interpretations given above .
19 Philip who lives in Darlington , and attended the town 's Longfield Comprehensive school before going on to the Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College , has already represented his country at under 15 and under 16 levels .
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