Example sentences of "before [v-ing] her [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Had she really expected that one of Italy 's leading industrialists would not check her out before letting her into his house ?
2 The men who stopped her had done a lot of talking on their radio before taking her to their police station .
3 She held out her hand and he looked at her , his amber eyes serious , before taking her in his arms .
4 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
5 ‘ It 'll fade , ’ he said , ‘ it 'll soon be gone , ’ and kissed her again before leaving her to herself .
6 She was still distressed and could have wished that Mr. Crowther had waited a little longer before telling her about her inheritance , when the sadness and regret she felt about Aunt Alicia 's death was not so overpowering .
7 For example : to move from one foot to two in any glissade , it can and should be when first studied a smooth gliding movement as it is when Albrecht gently draws Giselle to sit on the bench before telling her of his love .
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