Example sentences of "few [noun pl] [adv] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone is aware that the Chancellor has a difficult ordeal to face a few hours later and no one wants to make the occasion even worse .
2 Ballylumford had had a long , bitter industrial dispute a few months earlier and the scars were raw and unhealed .
3 He waited till they slowed to a stop a few feet away and a voice said , ‘ Joe ?
4 Managers do not want to start factories , shops , or entertainments in the rural areas because there are few workers there and the old and very young have little money to spend .
5 The final moult occurs in the bronchioles a few days later and the young adults then move up the bronchi and mature .
6 The first shipment arrived a few days ago and the stallholder got his stock on Friday evening .
7 A few days more and the man 's body would have been buried completely — another name to add to the list of 12 who have disappeared in the Gredos over the past two years .
8 Appeal organisers hoped to sell tickets for the prize draw outside the ground a few weeks ago but a cold snap forced the football match to be cancelled .
9 Having 2 ex-county players on the team has also been very worthwhile with helpful tips being tried out every week ( as the Institute chaps will tell you , comparing our game with them a few weeks ago and the Charity Match just played — sorry David what was the score … ? )
10 The foul was committed with the referee only a few yards away and a red card was the inevitable punishment .
11 The foul was committed with the referee only a few yards away and a red card was inevitable .
12 In Unforgiven — a brilliant but never-clarified title — Bill Munny , Eastwood 's screen character , is quizzed about the times when he was the most feared gun in the West , irresistibly evoking memories of the Man With No Name 's six-shooter holocausts in Sergio Leone 's Dollars trilogy ( A Fistful Of Dollars , For A Few Dollars More and The Good , The Bad And The Ugly ) and the mellower but still genocidal guerilla of The Outlaw Josey Wales .
13 Sadleir arrived at Qatif on 21 June at a time when no European had been more than a few miles inland and no maps existed of the interior .
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