Example sentences of "during the [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Stuart Bray , Chairman of the Standard 4 Locomotive Group stated that there was still a number of small jobs to do during the winter including completion of the lining locomotive .
2 The better explanation remains that the policy pursued by the trade unions during the winter of discontent did indeed mark a return to normality .
3 ‘ I have worked hard during the winter on sponsorship and have three good backers , including Jawa .
4 It triumphed rapidly in England and in the self-confident liberal atmosphere of Germany during the decade of unification .
5 The police arrived during the beginning of Act Four , set in ‘ the hole under the ground ’ .
6 You may notice during the beginning of Stage I that you experience some withdrawal symptoms as a direct result of giving up certain foods and drinks that you usually consume .
7 They are looking for rapid fluctuations of usually neglected minor steroids during the build-up to ovulation .
8 In December 1988 Gorbachev took the United Nations by storm and wrongfooted the American administration , then impotent during the hand-over of power from Reagan to President-elect George Bush , by announcing a unilateral reduction of 10 per cent in Russia 's conventional forces .
9 The 38-year-old man , who can not be named to protect the identity of his victim , tortured her with an electric stun gun during the ordeal in front of their children , the court heard .
10 In addition to antibiotics , it should be recognised that enzymes are microbial products which could also be involved in the biocontrol action , for example , by causing the lysis of the cell walls of pathogens during the phenomenon of mycoparasitism ( Fig. 1 ) .
11 This probably means that mistakes in the details of these proteins ( they are produced during the clotting of blood ) do n't matter much for the organism .
12 The errors are likely to be most significant during the initiation of climb or descent , or on levelling out following a change in pitch attitude .
13 Two air force helicopters dropped flowers from the sky during the service for air force Major Danilo Atienza , who died after destroying rebel planes which had attacked Ms Aquino 's palace on December 1 .
14 Only users which were specified during the configuration of LIFESPAN RDBI may view LIFESPAN information within the relational database , and they may only view the same information as they have access to in LIFESPAN .
15 During the campaign against uranium mining , the legitimacy of the central state was constantly challenged .
16 For the next few minutes I had to put up with Sid 's reminiscences about how much worse it had been during the campaign in North Africa .
17 That was the first of several epic desert walks carried out by both groups and individuals from the SAS who had become cut off during the campaign in North Africa .
18 Cypriot nationalists say the Queen should have stopped the executions of nine guerilla fighters arrested during the fight for independence .
19 The Treasury 74 per cent 2012–15 would be delivered on 1 June but becomes ineligible because June 1 falls during the special ex dividend period for that bond .
20 Most patients rarely report experiencing pain during the act of cutting .
21 Where possible give her some task to carry out during the outing for example , helping to find the items on a shopping list .
22 Negative reinforcement is something unwelcome that happens before or during the behaviour in question has occurred .
23 The adequacy of the time provided for discussion at Validation Events will be monitored closely during the validation of Phase 2 Pilots and the experience gained over both pilots will contribute to the framework established for the post Pilot stage .
24 This is an issue which will be monitored during the validation of Phase 2 Pilots .
25 It 's hardly more noticeable than the fact that , as the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman likes to point out , the cinema audience is sitting in total darkness for 50 minutes of that time , while the projector beam is masked during the change of frame — the indispensable ‘ intermittent movement ’ of movie film as it goes through the projector 's gate .
26 Support for this hypothesis comes from an analysis of male peeking rates during the change in plumage which many ducks undergo at the end of the breeding season .
27 Absolutism was required by the ruling class in order to maintain its domination during the spread of commodity production and exchange and the consequent transition in the social formation .
28 The whole of Sadducee thought was oriented towards the Temple , and when the Temple was destroyed during the revolt of A.D. 66 , the official Sadducees ceased to exist .
29 Metropolitan Police Motion made , and Question proposed , That the Commissioner of the Police of the Metropolis do take care that during the Session of Parliament the passages through the streets leading to this House be kept free and open and that no obstruction be permitted to hinder the passage of Members to and from this House , and that no disorder be allowed in Westminster Hall , or in the passages leading to this House , during the Sitting of Parliament , and that there be no annoyance therein or thereabouts ; and that the Serjeant at Arms attending this House do communicate this Order to the Commissioner aforesaid .
30 In this example , the programme has been used to predict the behaviour of dissolved silica with time and space during the flow of calcium hydroxide through a sandstone in a laboratory experiment .
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