Example sentences of "turn out that [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But in the past few years , the insurance market has been losing money , and it has turned out that the resources of even the richest people are less than infinite .
2 For a person insensitive to visual impressions the pattern on the wallpaper he is buying may seem not to deserve close scrutiny ; but if the room he has papered begins after a while to depress him , it has turned out that the pattern was relevant to the choice after all .
3 But it has turned out that the theory is as it sounds — too good to be true .
4 In many of these ( 233 cases ) it turned out that a person was recognized perfectly well as being familiar but the subjects reported a difficulty in recalling other details , such as the person 's name .
5 As an alternative to the last submission it was argued that the money was paid to and received by the revenue under an implied agreement that it would be held as a deposit against tax that might be held to have been due at the dates of payment and that it would be repaid if and when it turned out that no tax was due .
6 It turned out that the U-boats were n't the only menace : one ship in the convoy struck a small iceberg .
7 On inspection it turned out that the women had strong community ties through their membership of the local chapels .
8 It turned out that the forms had all been filled in correctly but the DSS had n't read them properly .
9 Our work proceeds by trying to model this ocean atmosphere system and initially we made these models to develop an understanding but it turned out that the models worked pretty well to make predictions .
10 It turned out that the patient had probably had an intracranial bleed .
11 It turned out that the person who put the car into the auction ( the vendor ) was not the owner .
12 In fact it turned out that the size of this quantum was given not by h but by h divided by 2π , a quantity denoted by ħ and pronounced " aitch bar " or " aitch slash " or often ( because it really is the natural unit ) just " aitch " .
13 It turned out that the dimensions of the laboratory were very relevant .
14 For those who stayed with the film , like Preston , it turned out that the underground was infested with such creatures .
15 It turned out that the territories in which a larger repertory was broadcast took longer to be re-occupied .
16 It turned out that the stranger worked for ICI and he told Haslam that Britain 's major chemical company was looking for mining engineers .
17 It turned out that the foreman had not warned Heinz that the paraffin might explode .
18 It turned out that the encomium had little to do with these epics , but for his generous economic support of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute , where he had once worked as a lowly attendant .
19 A strict analogy with judicial review would perhaps give the decision-maker a power ( and a duty ) to award compensation after it had re-made its decision , if it turned out that the applicant had suffered loss as a result of the initial illegal decision ( although there are difficulties in this solution which we will consider in a moment ) .
20 ‘ It turned out that the guy was a pro ; he gave performances here and there , novelty turns , you know .
21 ( The meeting started in a vegetarian restaurant but when it turned out that the table was already booked , we carried on outside , in a freezing wind .
22 It invariably turns out that an operator makes a series of decisions partly on the basis of what is currently displayed ( on-line information ) and partly on the basis of other material obtained from his knowledge of the system performance , his briefing and his operating instructions ( off-line information ) .
23 However , it turns out that the question is unacceptable when the final property is an adjective : ( 24 ) the jury found Ernest guilty : what did the jury do guilty ?
24 It turns out that the tomato jam has great finesse of flavour and emerges as a most beautiful translucent cornelian-red preserve , delicious for a jam served in the French manner as a sweet with plain cream or fresh cream cheese .
25 Lambeth Council in London banned a book , Midnight Circus , on the grounds that ‘ most carers ’ disapprove of circuses , and the presentation of an ape as the baddie not only raises issues of animal rights but has racial overtones — even though it turns out that the ape is really a white woman in disguise .
26 It turns out that the component in the venom of this snake that has such an effect binds to the muscle receptor on human muscle and other animals ' muscles , and it binds there much more tightly than the natural chemical transmitter , which is called estialcodine , thereby preventing the transmission of the nerve impulse to the muscle and gives the victim instant miocenia and presumably a nice meal for the snake in due time .
27 This can be used to calculate the required information ; it turns out that the improvements that can be achieved by access frequency loading are to reduce accesses to synonyms from 34.06 per cent to 28.4 per cent for single — record buckets , and from 8.59 per cent to 4.90 per cent for ten-record buckets .
28 It turns out that the system depends on some subtle and hitherto unnoticed peculiarities of the logic , in combination with general features of graphical representations .
29 It also turns out that the ratio of proportions is rather cumbersome to handle when dealing with many variables at once , and no-one has yet proposed a way of decomposing it into component effects as they have with d s and with measures based on odds .
30 It turns out that the Baron is short of certain body parts ( also a bit like Mark ! ) which are essential if the experiment 's to run smoothly .
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