Example sentences of "turn to [noun prp] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Ludens turned to Marcus and put his hand gently against his arm .
2 Then on the way back he had suddenly turned to Maggie and said ,
3 Graham shoved Laidlaw away from him then turned to Sabrina and untied her hands .
4 After he had driven away , Nails turned to Nutty and said , ‘ Can I come up to yours ?
5 The girl gave Black a weak smile , then turned to Gina and whispered ,
6 Simmons turned to Loretta and shrugged his shoulders .
7 She turned to Buddie and tightened her lips into a thin angry line .
8 Then she turned to Philip and took his arm .
9 Eliot added that he had written a rather interesting poem about , here he turned to D'Arcy and asked : ‘ Who was the saint that had arrows stuck all over him ? ’
10 Rose walked on thoughtfully for a bit , then she turned to Hilary and said : ‘ You went to see your mother last week , did n't you ? ’
11 He turned to Solti and said ‘ I 've sung the part under Toscanini — you go and study the score . ’
12 She turned to Susie and said , ‘ There 's very little time left today , I 'm afraid . ’
13 When we were introduced she turned to Freddie and said haughtily .
14 As the policeman stepped down and walked to the rear of the lorry Billy turned to Freddie and shook his head slowly .
15 She turned to Schmidt and pressed a smile on to her mouth .
16 Instead , he turned to Belinda and said matter-of-factly , ‘ Why do n't we have dinner together tonight ?
17 Guillamon turned to Riven and offered his hand .
18 At the door between the two estates , he turned to Cleo and touched her arm .
19 He turned to Gazzer and said , pleasantly , ‘ You 'll get your share of the cash , if that 's what you 're worried about . ’
20 She turned to Dauntless and summoned him peremptorily .
21 In the Autocrat I turned to Fielding and asked huskily .
22 But once the Jaguar had moved away she turned to Theresa and said in a voice of surprising gentleness : ‘ Does your father know that you 're out alone ? ’
23 Marcus turned to Franca and said in his deep slow honey voice , with his slightly foreign accent , ‘ Please could you move the bed away from the wall .
24 Alison said , ‘ Oh — ’ and turned to Franca and put her hand on her shoulder .
25 Marc turned to Sarella and lifted one eyebrow as if to convey some more significant meaning .
26 And then the second Lady Deverill turned to Artemis and smiled a small , closed smile .
27 Once they were gone , he turned to Corbett and stared fixedly with his terrible , haunting eyes .
28 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
29 Miss Honey , with one hand on the gate which she had not yet opened , turned to Matilda and said , ‘ A poet called Dylan Thomas once wrote some lines that I think of every time I walk up this path . ’
30 She turned to Luke and raised an enquiring brow .
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