Example sentences of "bring him [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Lou Macari 's attempts to wed a club steeped in sophistication to the long-ball game have brought him unpopularity in the dressing-room which will soon spread to the terraces if results do not improve .
2 Several assault and battery charges had brought him trouble with the police .
3 But the past could raise its head in other ways , he realized , when two days later a letter arrived with a London postmark , bringing him news of the most extraordinary nature .
4 The patronage of Sir Edward Phelips [ q.v. ] probably brought him admission to the Middle Temple ( 1614 ) , James I gave him fee-farm rents in sixteen counties ( 1619–24 ) , and he became clerk extraordinary to the Privy Council ( 1624–40 ) .
5 It brought him abuse from the Tory Press and suspension from Twenty Questions .
6 His career as a Labour politician brought him membership of the party 's National Executive in 1927 , beating Herbert Morrison in the constituency section .
7 The boy who brought him food in the morning was a young fellow he had never seen before , and not one of the men-at-arms , but by the look of him one who belonged behind Isambard 's chair in his great hall , or about his wardrobe to help him to dress .
8 Adolf Hitler was at a military hospital in Pasewalk in Pomerania , recovering from burns to his eyes after a British gas attack at Ypres , when on 10 November 1918 a pastor brought him news of the armistice .
9 They had ceased to bring him food at the end of the first day , taken away his carefully hoarded drop of water at the end of the second , and the third refusal had cost him his coarse blankets and the thin straw palliasse on his plank bed .
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