Example sentences of "bring about [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In investigating the desirability of particular government policies , this approach appraises the effects of the changes these policies will bring about in the equilibrium situation .
2 Is the family aware of the stresses and strains that will be brought about for the child and family if the child should experience rejection on the basis of colour ; can it deal with this type of problem ?
3 These have to be brought about as a result of things which happen during life .
4 The grant level reduction announced by MAFF on 11 December 1984 constitutes a major change brought about as a result of wanting to reduce public expenditure and due to concern for the conservation of upland landscapes and wildlife .
5 Naville is more cautious than Mallet in the conclusions he draws from his analysis about the extent of conflict with management likely to be brought about as a result of extensive use of such automated technology .
6 In its widest sense , learning has been taken to mean changes in people 's behaviour , knowledge , beliefs , motives , and so on , brought about as a result of their experiences .
7 The twins ' ignorance of narrative technique stems from a change in education which has been brought about as a result of the increasing dominance of science over the humanities .
8 Significant economic growth and social change has been brought about as a result of the offshore oil and gas industry .
9 Crosbie also claims that the end of the harp seal hunt in 1987 , brought about as a result of pressure from some conservationists , has contributed to the cod 's decline as a result of the seals preying on it and on its main food fish , the capelin .
10 If an estate agent is convicted under the act the client does not automatically have a right of action in civil proceedings for loss which may have been brought about as a result of the offence .
11 Three padded pneumonia jackets , worn to combat the crisis of this dreaded disease , point to the revolution in treatment brought about since the arrival of penicillin and antibiotics .
12 However there are many passages in the General Theory in which Keynes asserted that , even if a similar reduction in w could be brought about via the route of money wage cuts ( and we have suggested above that money wage cuts will not have this effect ) , workers would be unwilling to allow their money wages to fall .
13 The hypothetical experiment which Keynes is undertaking is an examination of the consequences of a fall in the real wage rate brought about through a rise in the general price level , P ( what he refers to as ‘ the price of wage-goods ’ ) in relation to the money wage , W. The initial real wage rate is and the corresponding ‘ existing volume of employment ’ is 4 , .
14 In Keynes 's hypothetical experiment the reduction in the real wage rate is brought about through a rise in the price level , which , in turn , is brought about through an increase in aggregate demand , though this is not made explicit in the definition ( see Figure 5.4 ) .
15 And this impact is to be achieved in a particular way , i.e. through a ‘ profane illumination ’ brought about through the juxtaposition of two or more seemingly incongruous figures .
16 For Sociology , Helen Roberts reported considerable changes both within the organisation of the discipline and within the structure of the profession , seeing these changes largely as the direct or indirect result of an increased level of awareness brought about through the women 's movement over the previous decade ( Roberts , 1981b ) .
17 The acquisition of vorticity by initially irrotational fluid can only be brought about through the action of viscosity ( Section 10.3 ) .
18 But what is peculiar to the doctor is that the successful action , the save , is seen to be brought about through the use of the esoteric skills for which he trained and which , by and large , remain untested and unused .
19 In Keynes 's hypothetical experiment the reduction in the real wage rate is brought about through a rise in the price level , which , in turn , is brought about through an increase in aggregate demand , though this is not made explicit in the definition ( see Figure 5.4 ) .
20 Karajan 's return to music-making and recording in 1946–7 was brought about with the help of Legge and , at much the same time , the great Italian conductor Victor de Sabata , another man totally given over to music but whom the whirligig of public opinion had rightly exonerated despite extensive war work in both Italy and Germany in front of audiences of all manner of political persuasions .
21 The TGWU has shown interest in a merger on several occasions , and there has also been a recognition among militants within the N U A A W that successful and speedy strike action could only be brought about with the cooperation of the bulk milk tanker drivers whom the TGWU organizes .
22 Apart perhaps from the revision of the Holy Week liturgy , the changes brought about in the Church 's worship under Pius XII now seem relatively modest .
23 In September 1956 liturgical leaders , including six cardinals and 800 bishops , came together in Assisi to express their gratitude to the pope for all the changes that had been brought about in the liturgy during his pontificate .
24 Many reaction enthalpies can not be determined experimentally because the reactions can not be brought about in the laboratory .
25 In Chase Manhattan Bank NA v Israel-British Bank NA [ 1981 ] Ch 105 , a civil case , it was held that the innocent party to an overpayment retains an equitable right where the overpayment was brought about by a mistake of fact .
26 Therefore , it needs to be rapidly regenerated if exercise is to continue , and this regeneration is brought about by a substance called Creatine Phosphate ( C.P. ) .
27 ‘ The facial bruising was caused 24–36 hours before death and is typical of injury brought about by a blow from a human fist . ’
28 A change in this situation can only be brought about by a change in attitude throughout the profession .
29 Its final decline was brought about by a change in the public attitude to death .
30 The problem then is to explain how the state came to be formed historically , through the dissolution of the primitive communal group ; and a broadly Marxist account of this process ( leaving aside here the diverse interpretations and controversies among Marxist sociologists and anthropologists ) rests essentially upon the conception of a change in the mode of production , involving a greater inequality of property , which itself is brought about by a development of the forces of production through technological progress .
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