Example sentences of "bring [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He is not just the Pope of the Roman Catholics but a symbol of human beings striving to create institutions and practices which bring them closer to the ways of God .
2 Yes , that was some time ago when I was working as a hostess with the British Council and used to collect meet VIPs at the station and bring them here to the university .
3 ‘ He says bring them straight to the first tee .
4 ‘ We bring them inside in the bad weather .
5 A member of the local parish community will collect your son/daughter from home , bring him/her to SPRED then bring him/her home at the end of the session .
6 Firefighters have rejected a one point five per cent pay offer bringing them closer to a national strike .
7 ( d ) The massive body of historical research that has gone on throughout this century has gradually discovered new sources of information and refined our views of the early modern period , in all probability bringing them closer to the objective truth .
8 But it can learn to comprehend a series of events by bringing them together into a cohesive , learned pattern to form a language .
9 Above and top : Polypterus ornatipinnis — even a large pair of these were not beyond Derek 's ingenuity when it came to bringing them home from the USA .
10 This latter period saw the creation of a labour code ( 1943 ) limiting the functioning of unions to a local and plant level and bringing them tightly under the control of the Ministry of Labour .
11 For me , there is an immediacy about them , an intimacy , that can bring me closer to the writer than anything else .
12 As of the end of June 1991 at least six of these statutes were undergoing the process of appeal which would almost certainly bring them eventually to the Supreme Court , where any of them could serve as the occasion for the reversal of the 1973 landmark abortion rights ruling , Roe v. Wade .
13 They hope the investigation will bring them closer to a re-trial .
14 erm I think and what I 'll try and do , I 'll try and bring erm , I 've got two on the Thursday and I 'll try and bring them forward to the Monday , cos Monday 's a baker 's day is n't it ?
15 The essential point is that if two beneficial mutations , A and B , occur in different individuals in the same population , sex and recombination can bring them together in a single descendant .
16 So basically all I would have to do is take them with me and I 'd bring them home on the same day .
17 Reinforcing this quest for the extraordinary , which by definition should bring them quickly to the margins of deviance , is the fact … that one of the frequent rewards of achievement is an immunity to many of the sanctions that constrain and punish the less successful .
18 A Rose Hill bus will bring you almost to the door .
19 This , of course , will not bring us anywhere near the origin of the change .
20 Or if you will , I will come to the abbey gate , and bring you there by the least frequented way . ’
21 things which have brought them here for the afternoon .
22 History has brought them together as a phenomenon without compare , and it is Pakistan 's good fortune that they are surviving fitness scares long enough to bring many honours to their country .
23 We stared in stunned shock , realising that the pilot must have made one last superhuman effort not to come down right on our heads , but then just could n't manage those last few yards which would have brought them safely onto the runway .
24 Clearly he 'd brought her here for a purpose …
25 His Canadian passport was beautifully forged and had brought him effortlessly into the Republic of Ireland and thence on the ferry to England .
26 By the time that Lothar arrived in Paris , probably in the 1180s , perhaps earlier , the theology taught there was no longer the speculative , probing theology of Peter Abelard ( which was perhaps the reputation that had brought him there in the first place ) , but had become more concerned with practical issues and doctrine .
27 He should have been at boarding school , but his mother , who loved him very much , had brought him home for a month or two , because she thought his health was delicate .
28 There were always cream cakes and I would be brought mine ceremoniously on a plate .
29 But my colleague has brought it forward on a matter of safety .
30 Someone must have brought it here for a purpose , but I must admit it looks abandoned .
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