Example sentences of "bring [pron] [adv] [adv prt] to " in BNC.

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1 Satisfied that it would bring them exactly down to the point he wanted on the starboard side of Lord Jim , he asked — " How do you feel about your husband ? "
2 But Goibniu had said no , both the Humans must be taken to the Fire Court and Balor must go along with them and , after they had talked with Reflection , Balor must bring them safely back to Tara .
3 One should n't strictly include Erebus and Terror in the same chain as those of New Zealand — the gap is rather large — but they do bring us conveniently back to Antarctica , from where we began our journey of some 40,000 kilometres round the entire Pacific Ocean .
4 Lucille Walker had n't brought me clear over to Hollywood just to tell me I 'd been played for a sucker .
5 The pain that had brought him sharply back to consciousness seared violently through his stomach .
6 The explosive pain of it brought me hellishly back to full savage consciousness and to a revived desire not to become part of the eternal mystery just yet .
7 The old man 's voice cut through his sexual heat , brought him straight back to earth .
8 There was a curious magnetism about him that , for one brief moment , caused her heart to miss a beat , but a blast on the horn of an impatient motorist behind her brought her quickly back to reality .
9 Her mind brought her abruptly back to the present when she thought , that was until two years ago when Jessie left the Dame School .
10 Kat brought it right back to basics : ‘ Good thing they do n't burn at the stake these days . ’
11 This brings me neatly on to the exhibition of German aircraft and equipment held at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough during October and November 1945 .
12 Written by a team of physicians at the forefront of AIDS research in Britain , the fully revised 2nd Edition of this widely acclaimed atlas now brings you right up to date with the most significant developments and advances in AIDS research over the past two years .
13 But clearly , by the late 1940s , an entirely new approach was required , and Blom was given a free hand to bring everything as up to date as possible .
14 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
15 But you played Liberty from Steve 's album and that brings it right back to your influence — the tightly arranged , harmony guitar thing …
16 Which seems to bring us right back to the question we started with : is Europe actually marketable ?
17 This brings us straight back to the earlier output comparisons in chapter 2 .
18 Which brings us neatly around to the subject of this report .
19 ‘ Which brings us neatly back to my question . ’
20 ‘ Which brings us neatly back to last night . ’
21 This , of course , brings us right back to the beginning of the divine drama .
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