Example sentences of "although i must [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly there is little danger of a minister having to share the pulpit with a dog , although I must confess that my very own canine friend has pretensions to being a biped .
2 Although I must confess that I was nervous and wary about meeting him , I had thought that he used his smile as a mask and his laugh as a barrier against what was probably monosyllabic narcissism .
3 A harmless grass snake , I concluded , although I must admit that the proximity of the Reptile Centre did make me a touch more circumspect than usual as I made for the summit .
4 In these matters we were often able to avoid costly mistakes being made , and on other occasions improve the operational efficiency of our craft with advice on training and equipment , although I must admit that our requirements seldom matched the amount of money available .
5 This was a very comforting thing , although I must admit that I heard of no cases occurring in the period that I was in Mespot .
6 ( Although I must say that working behind ‘ Ken the Nugget ’ is a pretty fruitless occupation ! ) .
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