Example sentences of "turn [adv prt] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes the numbers are sufficient to precipitate Type I disease in calves 3-4 weeks after they are turned out to graze in the spring .
2 Unless she 's been fiddling the books — and my accountant does n't think so — the profits your Miss Philimore has been turning in seem on the low side for a site like that .
3 No drive , no ambition ; the team was just turning up to go through the motions ; and behind the scenes , lots of devious insider stuff . ’
4 The ‘ Birds were due to play , but thanks to ‘ the wrong kind of snow ’ or something erm , did n't ) , a tired and emotional GRAHAM from BLUR , JUSTIN from SPITFIRE and BOBBY GILLESPIE , who , frankly , impressed no-one when he turned up surrounded by a bevy of rock lovelies , swanned through onto the T&C balcony , watched Nick C for a full 12 seconds and then swanned back out again .
5 I ca n't imagine how I would have survived without good friends who sustained me when I turned up weeping in the middle of the night .
6 And although scores of people turned up looking for a pet , new waifs were being brought in almost as quickly .
7 Over 100 members turned up to compete for the honour of representing Limerick Area in the National Finals in Belfast .
8 They duly turned up equipped with a ladder , a hammer and a bag of nails .
9 Tactical voting appeared to have taken the form of latent Tories turning out to see off the much-advertised threat to the Union .
10 It is not clear why the disease is usually not apparent until calves , turned out to graze in the spring , have been at grass for 2-5 months .
11 [ … ] Competition , to the equilibrium price theorist , turned out to refer to a state of affairs into which so many competing participants have already entered that no room remains for additional entry ( or other modification of existing market conditions ) .
12 They won 61% of the vote for Congress in March , but only 27% in December ( when far fewer people turned out to vote for the assembly ) .
13 Despite a boycott in parts of Abkhazia , over 75 per cent of the electorate turned out to vote in the elections , in which Shevardnadze stood as the only candidate .
14 Huge crowds turned out to cheer as the Prime Minister , spurning elaborate security precautions , rode through the city of Amritsar to the holiest shrine of the Sikhs , the Golden Temple .
15 Huge crowds turned out to cheer as the Prime Minister , spurning elaborate security precautions , rode through the city of Amritsar to the holiest shrine of the Sikhs , the Golden Temple .
16 ‘ The dangerous dreamed melon of the sage ’ which turned out to come from the dream of Descartes .
17 Yet this paper led to our century 's great revolution in astronomy , for here an American engineer , Karl Jansky , announced his detection of ‘ static ’ , which turned out to come from the sky .
18 Back in the village , she pulled up outside the paper shop , which turned out to double as a general store , and went in .
19 ‘ The lap-top turned out to belong to the Admiral , so it 's been taken off to Scotland Yard for fingerprinting and all that while they analyse the contents of the disk .
20 Most significantly , over two-thirds of those who turned out voted for the early election of a new parliament ( not now due until 1995 ) .
21 ‘ Will you look at that ? ’ she exclaimed , turning back to point at the grounds .
22 Cardiff pushed Jimmy and the girl called Barbara after them , turning back to look at the ragged aperture through which the storm was venting its fury .
23 Turning back to look at the door , he could see no manual locking mechanism — only a circular brass inset that seemed to need a special key .
24 Before leaving the chamber , Mungo turned back to take in the scene ; to fix it in his mind .
25 Willie turned back to look at the comics so that he missed the surprised expression on his face .
26 He was turning about to look at the view and the slope of grass back up to the road .
27 I had crawled into mine and was turning round peering into the dark where many people sat eating popcorn and candy .
28 After another step or two the man stopped and turned round to speak to the parson .
29 And on one occasion in the gymnasium , I turned round to look at a boy behind me and the master was there and he smacked me with the flat of his hand as hard as he could .
30 But every time he turned round to look at the black shape labouring after him he was confirmed in the suspicion that Islamic outfits were far sexier than boring old black-leather bras , split-crotch panties or steel suspenders .
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