Example sentences of "turn [adv] to [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
2 Over the last few months we 've had a number of queries from hobbyists concerning fish which they have bought for their community tanks , which despite advice from their dealer , have turned out to be most unsuitable for such a set up .
3 It had turned out to be exactly as Charles had forecast , ‘ a gigantic , costly and splendid waste of time ’ .
4 Hahnemann 's conception of disease being due to a combination of intrinsic ( inherited ) and extrinsic ( environmental ) factors has turned out to be largely correct .
5 In fact it was already a quality of Britten 's music before Grimes that it said new things with material which , on closer inspection , often turned out to be surprisingly familiar and straightforward .
6 The excess of Government expenditure in that year over the yield of taxation was forecast to be £1 billion and actually turned out to be just over £1and1/2 ; billion .
7 McLeish grunted , feeling meanly triumphant that he had turned out to be right in his view that Francesca would not be able to sweep Tristram out of the hands of the New York police in quite the Napoleonic way she had assumed .
8 The paradox is that while mathematics appears to be based on axioms rather than empirical knowledge ( although some have argued that it is rooted ultimately in the ‘ one-twoness ’ of things ) , it has nevertheless turned out to be remarkably fruitful in enabling us to understand the physical and to a lesser extent social world ; it is as if we had invented a game which turned out to be real .
9 It should be said that the forecast figures have probably turned out to be slightly high , particularly for 1991 , since it seems unlikely that the US Department of Commerce would have foreseen the downturn in the global economy which is now biting so hard in all industries .
10 For once , the product had turned out to be even better than the advert .
11 that my work has turned out to be medically relevant , but it might not have done , and that would n't have meant that it was useless or wasted .
12 The reality has turned out to be somewhat more prosaic .
13 The information Paul provided turned out to be extremely useful .
14 The investigators had already developed some quite strong linguistic hunches , and while these often turned out to be fairly accurate , pilot work sometimes revealed that they were a little wide of the mark .
15 The association agreements the EC signed with Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have turned out to be disappointingly limited .
16 The bipartisan commitment to the existing exchange rate within the ERM , and the endorsement of this by most commentators , would be understandable if the forecasts that the Treasury , the City and all the main conjuncture organisations have been making ever since we joined the ERM had turned out to be anywhere near correct .
17 Her hatred — if it had even been that — had turned out to be as intensely personal as her love and an intrinsic part of it , Maria acknowledged privately .
18 ‘ But Ivy has turned out to be so good for me I must have done the right thing .
19 However , even this has not turned out to be so simple .
20 But there are other causes of bad conditions as well as overcrowding : many prisons are old and decaying , and the newer prisons have often turned out to be so badly designed that they are not a noticeable improvement .
21 How ironic that someone who had held her spellbound as a child and had lingered in her imagination for years should have turned out to be so arrogantly cold and superior .
22 Granted that it had turned out to be only too easy to make experiments in which training an animal on some task results in large biochemical and cellular changes in its brain , I felt that it was necessary to establish guidelines to help judge whether any particular change indeed has these characteristics of necessity , sufficiency and specificity .
23 Cries rose on all sides of her as she filled the dishes , but she worked on steadily oblivious , like some eccentric female St Francis , brooding a little about the image seen in the vicarage garden , which , although it had turned out to be only an old cloth flung over a tree stump , was an indication of the way things might go .
24 But unfortunately , Gatt has turned out to be all or nothing .
25 He once took a swim late at night with a drunken socialite , but that had turned out to be entirely innocent and there was testimony from Cary Grant to prove it .
26 The baby was in the Rena for four weeks at two guineas a week … the bill amounted to £16.12s.10d. and so you see , with all these expenses , the cost of having a baby has turned out to be very great , and now there are of course the funeral fees . ’
27 What appeared to be merely an area of shrinkage on the edge of the village has , therefore , turned out to be very important in the history of settlement in the area — a small independent hamlet with its own church which was eventually abandoned .
28 Anita Jackson , the reporter from Business Finance Magazine , had turned out to be very pleasant and friendly — and not at all the terrifying type of eagle-eyed investigatory journalist of Laura 's overheated imagination .
29 And as our table shows , some of them have turned out to be very good performers indeed .
30 Calling the P5 a ‘ paper tiger ’ responsible for the collapse of ACE and claiming that the chip fails to live up to its promises , Slater notes that ‘ the P5 is turning out to be not a few months behind the R4000 , but over a year later — and by the time the P5 is shipping , the MIPS semiconductor partners will be shipping the R4400 with perhaps 50% better performance than the P5 . ’
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