Example sentences of "turn [adv] and [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 When he sees me he pointedly turns away and tries to talk to someone else .
2 A very large number have been turned away and told to go back home . ’
3 Is he aware also that during that time scale many seriously ill patients had to be turned away and had to go to other hospitals and that patients using the unit had to be taken out of it prematurely so that others more seriously ill could take their place ?
4 He had turned away and tried to avoid his eye , but it had been him , no question .
5 He 's turned over and started snoring .
6 Some of them have actually turned round and said keep it up Mr , keep it up Mr , we will see the end of it one day .
7 the nitty gritty of it , well I could of turned round and said look , well I 'm actually entitled to half an hour , I should
8 you 'd have liked to have turned round and say look I do n't wan na do it
9 Instead of turning left over the canal bridge which would have taken him into the village , he turned right and began walking out of the village on the Brookend road .
10 The men turned together and started to walk back to the hotel .
11 Then they closed and she turned over and began to snore lightly .
12 He turned over and tried to relax , but found himself looking downward through the metal grille which the Eden team had welded across the curved Lift surfaces as a floor , wondering what kind of anatomy would have been suited to use the original surface .
13 She turned over and appeared to go back to sleep .
14 As his boss turned away and began to stride down the corridor , Dexter noticed a wary look slither into Pargeter 's eyes .
15 He forced himself to bow politely , and then turned away and began to descend the stairs .
16 The tall boy turned away and began to pace away down the hill .
17 Marion turned away and began to pile up assorted biscuits in red and green tins , holly-decked and dotted about with fat robins in honour of Christmas .
18 ’ He turned away and started trudging through the wet grass in the direction Lesley-Jane had specified .
19 At the sound of Sophie 's entry , she turned quickly and stood facing her .
20 Mr Berkley turned aside and began to study the stills of Bicycle Thieves in the portico .
21 Lew Chester , one of the paper 's greatest reporters , turned up and started knocking out his usual classy feature articles .
22 Strange , thought Fergus , turning restlessly and trying to escape the light , strange that throughout all Court history and throughout all Court gossip ( and gossip at Tara had ever been lively ) , that no one has ever referred to Dierdriu 's child , to the heir to Tara who disappeared .
23 It turned back and tried to land at Malta , but was refused permission .
24 Not that it mattered because the woman whose dress she 'd soaked turned around and started shouting the place down .
25 Then she turned again and started to walk away , waiting for the last stone to strike her .
26 Apart from Steve , I do n't think there appeared to be anyone who turned round and said look they could n't do it .
27 Osman turned round and began to harangue the crowd .
28 He turned round and began to trot away .
29 I turned round and began to crawl back , still sweeping one hand at a time through the jumbled growth .
30 He turned round and continued to stare at me .
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