Example sentences of "about [num] [adj] people [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The vulnerable cities , in which about 500 million people live , include Alexandria , Bangkok , Hamburg , Leningrad , London , New Orleans , Shanghai and Venice .
2 From about 75 more people have some level of disability than do not .
3 In round figures , about 26 million people emigrated from Europe between 1880 and 1910 .
4 And this was out of a you know er I mean they were only what Oh could n't be more than about six eight people working in the Well not actually fitters but er you know , they were involved within the shop sort of thing .
5 About 350 million people live in the Yangtze valley , and its thousands of kilometres of waterways are essential to commerce , industry , and fishing .
6 About three million people thronged the airport and the street of Teheran to greet Khomeini when he flew home on 1 February 1979 .
7 On his side of the Thames , by the parkland and shrubberies of Wandsworth Common , a crowd of about three hundred people had gathered .
8 Yes , there were about three different people wanted company suggestion about that .
9 About 1.1 million people have registered with the share information office and only 700,000 with the share shops .
10 About 1,500 young people attended the event .
11 About sixty million people received land through redistribution .
12 About sixty thousand people vanish every year , and most of them turn up undamaged .
13 I remember one evening we went up to bed , and my head was just spinning because we 'd had about ten ten people had come in , some of them overlapping and some had you know but I 'd say at one stage we had about seven people in the flat together .
14 That is the large reason why she is there , with about 25 other people waiting quietly to one side of the altar in the church which has become the place in the city where freedom most nearly is .
15 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
16 E. About 40 000 people live and work in the area of the Peak District National Park .
17 It says that about 98,000 young people go missing annually , sometimes only for a short period .
18 In each of these mining ‘ towns ’ about two thousand people live and work .
19 and we 're right on the main road and I reckon about two hundred people walked past the garden today watching us .
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