Example sentences of "always been [vb pp] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , patients were not always being admitted to hospital and , when admitted , had not always been referred to a psychiatrist .
2 The second feature of this modest success is that differences of opinion about tactics and ecology have , generally , been submerged in working towards clearly identified goals which have always been attached to a limited and defined time frame .
3 The payment of the year 's charge by a single payment , that is a lump sum payment , has always been linked to the date when recovery procedures can commence in order that lump sum payers are subject to the same recovery procedures as monthly instalment payers .
4 Historically and culturally , it has always been linked to the continent .
5 He had always been drawn to the sea , as is also evinced by his poems ; at Taranto he became a keen yachtsman .
6 Oh it 's always been confined to the Really it was to the school areas , you see ?
7 In the past , such houses had always been offered to the National Trust , which had initially taken them without endowment , accepting instead an undertaking that the Ministry of Works would make good any deficit on repairs and maintenance through a Historic Buildings Council grant .
8 He wrote : ‘ All the world and the glory of it , whatever is most attractive , whatever is most seductive , has always been offered to the Prince of Wales of the day , and always will be .
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