Example sentences of "always been [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I rise to support the motion moved in Mr name and I have always been opposed to fox hunting full stop .
2 In other words , the Semai had always been capable of violence , but this capability had never had any meaning .
3 Tim Hely Hutchinson says that Thomas has been ‘ crucial ’ to the development of Headline , and the company has always been strong on marketing .
4 He 's always been paranoid about intelligence , seeing plots and hidden microphones and leaks to the media … he kept the money tight , too .
5 A company that had always been paranoiac about labour unions , it should have noticed that it was suddenly at the mercy of customers ' unions .
6 She hoped people would want to try for the Number Power certificate as they learn and has even joined herself : ‘ I have always been rotten at maths but this is the ideal way to do it , ’ she said .
7 Dad had always been fanatical about security at night ; he even bolted the inside doors .
8 I 'd always wanted to be a comedian at school , I 've always been obsessive about comedy , and if I 'd been rubbish it would have been a bit problematic . ’
9 I decided that it was not for me and moved over to accountancy — I had always been reasonable at maths — working for the Co-op and attending college part time .
10 There appears to be a wide variety of newspapers available to the public ( even though appearances deceive ) , and it has always been possible in principle ( if not in practice ) to found a new paper .
11 I 've always been good at painting ; I 'd nearly finished my picture — which included the ark and a mountain when Miss began telling us how rainbows were all an illusion caused by sunlight and raindrops .
12 I 've always been good at saving .
13 Despite its widespread occurrence gold has always been scarce in relation to demand .
14 It 's always been grim Up North
15 We 've always been concerned with self-improvement , slowly re-building and extending our steadings and houses .
16 It has however always been fraught with difficulty ; the line between legality and correctness has always been hard to define .
17 And I explained to them it 's because having been unemployed most of my professional life that I 've always been short of money and that 's what 's led me to work on very cheap materials .
18 Kent members have always been active on Society committees including Joan Daniels ( Hon. Treasurer , Vice-Chair and Membership Chair ) , Cicely Harris ( Executive and Publicity Chair ) , Hila Lodge ( Chairman ) , Pat Palmer ( National Development Officer/Administrator ) , Elsie Streek ( Publicity Chair and Editor of Medau News ) , Stella Webb ( the Society 's current Hon. Treasurer ) and Jenny Whitaker ( Assistant Editor of Medau News and Teachers ' Representative ) .
19 Before I went to Miss Havisham 's and met Estella , I had always wanted to be apprenticed to Joe , and I had always been happy at home , in spite of my sister 's scolding .
20 And the Germans have always been excellent at map-reading .
21 I had always been interested in history , but Ken with his great command of English was able to explain it and put life into it , particularly when talking about his hero , Charles I. ’
22 Have always been interested in intelligence , escaped the germy epoch of Freud and am so bored with all lacks of intelletto that I have n't used any discrimination when I have referred to ‘ em … .
23 Myrtle has always been interested in sport and gymnastics and first started Medau work eighteen years ago .
24 ‘ I have always been interested in art and history since High School .
25 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
26 She said she had always been interested in science , but had been put off because everyone told her it was n't for girls , only boys .
27 She had always been interested in beauty culture and hair-styling , so she took a job with a small hairdressing parlour in Stepney to learn the tricks of the trade and when she felt she knew enough , gave in her notice and advertised her services : Lady clients visited in the comfort and privacy of their own homes .
28 Creative artists have always been interested in madness .
29 Erm , I 've always been interested in housing and it did appear to me that however delightful Harlow may be , when the architects were designing properties , they designed a property without any consideration for the people who were to live in them .
30 I 've always been interested in machinery .
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