Example sentences of "always been [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Renault Clio is this year 's European Car of the Year but the award has n't always been a guarantee of outstanding sales success .
2 In the group accounts , the subsidiary undertaking is treated as if it had always been a member of the group .
3 erm I think perhaps we were on erm traffic management generally , you mentioned Howard Street and Magdalen Street , which you all know you know has always been a bone of contention amongst the Conservatives erm they spent two hundred thousand on it and they now want another two hundred and fifty thousand to make it permanent , and so on and so forth .
4 ‘ There has always been a welcome in the hillsides for Englishmen in love with the Welsh rhythms and landscape , just as many people from Wales found jobs and homes in the flourishing towns and cities of industrial and commercial England .
5 Hackney has always been a resort for madhouses and mad people .
6 St Mary 's had always been a home for Eve ; the fear was that she might find the sister house in Dublin more like an institution , and worse still she might find her own role-there not that of an honoured daughter , but more that of a maid .
7 But his fans have no doubt , he 's always been a hero to them , and it looks like he always will be .
8 Working with Dire straits has always been a vocation for me .
9 The returning emigres hope for a clean sweep but this has not happened anywhere in Eastern Europe where the price of reconciliation has always been a measure of compromise .
10 Moving breathing apparatus sets from the store in the laundry building at Hunterston A to Hunterston B and back again has always been a hassle in the past .
11 Mr Watkins , once a commander of a nuclear submarine , has always been a believer in nuclear power .
12 I 've always been a believer in fate , and that one shot can win or lose an Open .
13 Of course , resort to technology has always been a feature of health care , if we mean by that the development and use of skills and tools .
14 Special tramway tours have always been a feature of the hobby , and the first was held at Blackpool by the Light Railway Transport League in 1938 .
15 Error and uncertainty have always been a feature of cartographic information .
16 Otherwise Avocets are predominantly spring passage migrants in Sussex ; the paucity of autumn records seems remarkable and has always been a feature of the species ' occurrence in the county .
17 This crumbling of unity has always been a feature of philosophical systems , whether religious or political , or a combination of both .
18 Caves have n't always been a feature of our landscape .
19 This has always been a feature of political life , but has assumed new prominence since 1979 .
20 Stepping has always been a feature of this particular village and it is still practised to a certain extent today .
21 Investment is certainly widespread but this has always been a feature of the docks .
22 In the 18th Century Daventry was an important town on the Holyhead coaching road and , lying on four main roads , it has always been a centre for travellers .
23 There has always been a sense in which music is a secret , arcane , almost Cabbalistic , art .
24 After all one of the dogmas of the Protestant faith has always been a freedom of choice .
25 The two phenomena were linked , for traditional religion had always been a bond of social unity through the ritual assertion of community .
26 The Vaudeville on rue Vivienne had always been a favourite of Roquelaure 's .
27 ‘ I liked the comments of match ‘ experts ’ Andy Gray and Chris Waddle , while commentator Martin Tyler has always been a favourite of mine .
28 Low cunning has always been a favourite with me .
29 But I 've always been a champion of English wines .
30 During my early career , for instance , when one of the shift was caught and sentenced for a string of burglaries , the others skirted around their implicit knowledge that ‘ there but for the grace of God goes everyone ’ , and comforted themselves by recalling ( with the aid of the hindsight-ometer ) that he had ‘ never been a real polis … always been a bit of a loner , something of an outsider … ’
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