Example sentences of "always been [adj] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could see how the notion of raiding charnel houses for the secrets of life had always been present in Shelley 's thought ; but these horrid machine speculations were new .
2 Pay for leading art-historians has always been lower in Britain than in the United States , but the brain drain has got worse .
3 However , the deficiency of H is clear , and there are no plausible means by which H can be retained in the interior in substantially greater quantities than C and N. In section 4.4.3 certain difficulties were noted of Venus losing to space large quantities of H. To these difficulties must now be added the difficulty that if Venus has lost large quantities of H to space then the Earth , with its warm exosphere and Mars with its low gravitational field , should also have lost large quantities of H. This supports the conclusion that Venus has always been deficient in H , but it does not help explain why .
4 Before that I 've always been involved in women 's journals , including Women 's Report which is one of the early women 's monitoring journals in this country .
5 Schools have always been involved in issues of resource management such as the allocation of capitation allowances .
6 There appears to be a wide variety of newspapers available to the public ( even though appearances deceive ) , and it has always been possible in principle ( if not in practice ) to found a new paper .
7 Despite its widespread occurrence gold has always been scarce in relation to demand .
8 However , it has always been difficult in Cologne to sell a piece over DM 100,000 .
9 It was pointed out during the workshop that women have always been flexible in terms of employment , but because they have to be rather than because they want to be .
10 I had always been interested in history , but Ken with his great command of English was able to explain it and put life into it , particularly when talking about his hero , Charles I. ’
11 Have always been interested in intelligence , escaped the germy epoch of Freud and am so bored with all lacks of intelletto that I have n't used any discrimination when I have referred to ‘ em … .
12 Myrtle has always been interested in sport and gymnastics and first started Medau work eighteen years ago .
13 I have always been interested in maps and looking for odd placenames on them .
14 ‘ I have always been interested in art and history since High School .
15 ‘ I have always been interested in woodwork but do n't have the artistic skills or patience to make fine furniture , ’ he said .
16 She said she had always been interested in science , but had been put off because everyone told her it was n't for girls , only boys .
17 Meanwhile my interest in the film industry through Hellen Semmens was not the only reason for becoming an active member of the Vancouver Film Society — I have always been interested in films for their own sake .
18 She had always been interested in beauty culture and hair-styling , so she took a job with a small hairdressing parlour in Stepney to learn the tricks of the trade and when she felt she knew enough , gave in her notice and advertised her services : Lady clients visited in the comfort and privacy of their own homes .
19 Alan Webb says he 's always been interested in boats and when he took it up started going to marinas and out to sea but after a while he wanted to go faster and have more fun
20 Companies operating in a competitive environment have always been interested in details of their competitors ' performance , and the operation of market forces ensures that those that fail to match their competitors also fail to survive .
21 Creative artists have always been interested in madness .
22 Erm , I 've always been interested in housing and it did appear to me that however delightful Harlow may be , when the architects were designing properties , they designed a property without any consideration for the people who were to live in them .
23 I 've always been interested in machinery .
24 Edward Stratton had always been interested in machinery , or ‘ working parts ’ as he 'd always liked to think of things .
25 It had always been generous in terms of sick pay and sympathetic and understanding towards employees with family problems , though it expected high standards of dress and deportment and lateness , absenteeism and incivility were not tolerated .
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